Childhood: Narrative Essay... please read and help with advice and editing..? :)

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Hey guys!  I know I don't post a lot, sorry x) I'll post some poems and maybe my short story soon.  But first, I wrote this narrative essay for an English paper, and need help with editing and such... Not like grammar, but like how to phrase stuff I suppose...  Do you think it's an okay narrative?  (One thing, already asked the teacher, she said the third person narrative was fine, so yay x)  ).  Anywho, thanks!! :)


                She sat there on the bench; curiosity spreading.  She knew she probably shouldn’t ask, but her eagerness was getting the best of her good judgment- as it often did.  Questioning her father on the body lying on the bed in the center of the “stage,” she earned herself a few cold glances.  “It’s a casket,” her father replied, “I’ll explain later.”  “Okay.”  That day she learned death.

                During those first few years- years of skirts and dresses, no make-up nor music, and years of long hair- she learned respect.  However much she disliked these strict methods of respect was irrelevant; she learned respect those years.

                A year or so passed and she was four or five.  She came inside from playing one day and saw her mother in a pair of jeans- one of those days never quite forgotten; forever etched in one’s mind.  The jeans had soon led to capris, which then led to a haircut- all of which unheard of for a woman attending the church they were attending; all of which unheard of in her life up until then.  That year she learned a taste of freedom.

                Soon after, with a new-found freedom, the family left that church- that church they had been in since before she was born, since before her parents were even married.  From there they visited a multitude and variety of churches- jumping from one to another near constantly- and giving a confusing blend of messages; from damnation to hell, to God is all-forgiving, and back again.  Those years she learned a variety of ideas and belief-systems, and learned the possibility that maybe there wasn’t just one, single, right belief.

                The years following, her life was making an apparent change.  She took up flute and listening to music- somewhat of a big deal, for music was unheard of outside of worship in her old church- a blasphemy of sorts.  From that new interest in music, she joined a local homeschool band.  And, from there, she gained more interaction with other people- gaining a sense of friendship and community.  Those years I learned love, joy, and friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2011 ⏰

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Childhood: Narrative Essay... please read and help with advice and editing..? :)Where stories live. Discover now