Chapter 9: The Dark Side of a Broken Wizard

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For a while, the thought of Sophie returning frightened everyone in the castle. They didn't know what level of anger she would exude or if being away had calmed her down. Ultimately, her reaction was unpredictable and they had no way to prepare.

As the night drew on, however, they wondered if she would even come home at all.

"Howl, it's almost midnight. We need to start looking for her." Kenta sat next to Markl, who for the first time in a long time sat completely still, like he was in a trance. He moved his hand down Heen's spine, but even the trusty dog couldn't soothe his anxiety.

Howl stood over Calcifer, his hands raised over the blaze. The fire demon rested his arms on the ashen log, looking up at Howl. His eyes were closed, and his breathing calm. His concentration was strong as Calcifer tried to decipher the hidden thoughts that lay inside his mind. He hoped Howl was thinking of a plan to find Sophie. She normally didn't stay out this late, and the thought made his flames shiver in fear.

Calcifer gulped. "Howl, what are you going to do?"

Howl touched the blue necklace that hung down his chest – similar to the one that he gave to Sophie – with two fingers. He mumbled under his breath and a blue light illuminated out of the necklace until it shone so bright that even Calcifer had to look away. Yet as soon as it brightened, it quickly vanished.

Calcifer blinked before readjusting his eyes. "What was that?"

Howl shook his head, his fists tightening by his side. "I was trying to contact Sophie."

"Through your necklace?"

Howl nodded. "I gave her the stone of Laputa, a rare source of magic that has been passed down in my family for generations. My uncle gave me this one during our training, which is cut from the stone as Sophie's. It is of similar properties and would normally be able to connect with hers, but for some reason I can't anymore."

Kenta blinked. "I had no idea your relatives were of the Laputa civilization."

Howl shrugged. "How else was I to create a magical flying castle? Technology can only do so much."

"I'm surprised you weren't able to contact Sophie with yours. It should have been nearly immediate."

"Should have been." Howl exhaled through his teeth. "I want to know why it wasn't."

He touched the necklace again, pleading for their bond to reconnect. His voice was a whimper as he tried casting the spell again. His mind only focused on Sophie. He thought of her eyes, the color of her hair and how it flowed with the wind, the way she smiled and how it always gave him such a warm feeling inside. He hadn't seen her smile that way in a long time; he only wanted to make her happy again and to return that wonderful smile to her face. He wanted to restore her confidence in him.

The blue light shot out, but melted back into the necklace. The spell was broken. Again.

"No!" Howl slammed his fists on the concrete fireplace, sending a cloud of ashes throughout the living room. Everyone coughed and covered their faces, except Howl. His eyes burned an enraged passion.

"Howl, maybe we should try something else." Kenta walked toward the linen closet and pulled out a broom and dustpan. With a snap of his fingers, the inanimate objects moved toward the dusty room and began cleaning on their own. When they finished, Kenta returned them to the closet.

Howl breathed in heavily, his eyes glued to the concrete between his fists. Only magic could break the connection between his necklace and Sophie's. And not just any type of magic - the mage's spells. They were the only spells powerful enough to sever a Laputian enchantment.

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