Fan questions!!!!!

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@KC2608 asked: Which one of them did you meet besides Norman? How was it? Are they cool? Is Norman as awesome as he looks?

I met Jon, Sarah, Michael, Chandler, Lew, and Scott. They are all very humble about being on the show and didn't seem stuck up and all seemed appreciative of their fans. I truly believe Sarah was having a rough night. The night I met her she cried because a little girl came up to her and Sarah has a daughter who she was missing and the last night of the convention it snowed really bad so Sarah couldn't take her flight home and I think it just made things worse. Norman is actually way cooler than he looks whether he admits it or not!

@Anaalmeida asked: How much time did you spend with them? Is Norman sweet? Did he talk about his son? Did you meet Andrew and Michael, if so what are they like?

You roughly get 2-3 minutes with each person. I know it doesn't seem like much but by the time you're done meeting them you feel like you were standing there for 20 minutes. None of them rush you or make you feel like you're not important. They try to spend equal time with everyone. No, Norman didn't talk about his son. It's his private life and he tries his best to keep it that way. I wasn't going to overstep my boundaries and ask about him as I felt it would be rude. Yes I met Michael and he's like a Tasmanian devil. He's a little crazy! Unfortunately Andrew Lincoln only does two comic cons a year. San Diego and New York. Unless he is filming in the states or at one of those two comic cons he is at home with his wife and two kids. So unfortunately no I haven't met him but he seems pretty cool!

@LucyWinspear asked: Is Norman as hot in real life as he is in TWD?

I cringed slightly when I read that! I hate the word 'hot' to describe anyone it seems so downgrading to me. But I could think of other words to describe him! Gorgeous, handsome, good looking, yummy etc etc.

@Aty_C – Is he nice? Does he remember you? What does he talk about?

Nope he's horrible and I never want to see him again!! No!! I'm just kidding! If I thought he was mean I wouldn't have met him 4 times! He did remember me when I was there but I doubt he remembers me now! He talks about a lot of things but it basically results in 'hi sweetheart I'm Norman, lets take a picture, bye babe!'

@Claudia88441420 asked: Is Norman as sweet in real life as he is in interviews? What did you guys talk about?

He's even sweeter!! Nothing important! I was too busy fangirling!!!

@Rosaline Dixon94 asked: Did you give anything to anyone you met? If so, what was it and how did they react?

I got Michael chocolate covered pretzels! Norman's was a bigger gift!! I got him the two pound bag of sour patch kids, a rubber duck for his bathtub with a statue of liberty costume on, a wolf keychain, I gave him an extra copy of my photo op picture because they printed off two, their bad and an essay I wrote about him. Michael laughed at his gift. Norman went from laughing to "Holy balls!" to "I cant wait to read it" he was very sweet about it.

So a bunch of you asked what he smelt like, ya weirdos!!! No just kidding!

Mix mint gum and old spice together. Yeah you're welcome :P

Don't forget to check the video out on the side!! Don't forget to check out my videos on youtube!! I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!!

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