Stay Away From Juliet {Sweeran}

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Taylor's delicate and sweaty hand squeezed mine harder than she ever had before. Harder than any award show, any interview. She let out a scream and a nurse dabbed her forehead, slicking back her bangs. Tay looked at me and took a deep breath, as if asking to be comforted. Even at a time like this her eyes were stunningly blue. I smiled, "you can do it, babe," I said these words of encouragement, "you're almost there."  

"Two more pushes!" A nurse said excitedly.  

I stared at Taylor and she squeezed, taking deep breaths, and with everything she had, pushing. Giving life to our new pride and joy.  

"And one last push Taylor!" The doctor announced with a smile on his face. "Its a girl!" Before I knew it, our baby was being lifted up and I cut the umbilical cord. High pitched squealing occurred as I smiled as she was whisped away to be cleaned up.  

I looked back at Taylor as she cried tears of joy. Taking her, I leaned over and held her against my chest. "You did it, Tay!" I whispered with tears in my eyes. "She's beautiful!"  

She pulled away and kissed me. "We did it." She insisted with a smiled as tears ran down her cheeks consistently. "Where is she? My baby girl, I wanna see her."  

I looked around the room and spotted our daughter being wrapped in a blanket. "She'll be here in a moment."  

Taylor took a deep breath and leaned back in the hospital bed, relaxing. "Ed, can you get me a cold cloth?" She closed her eyes and licked her lips.  

"Ya, for sure. Whatever you need babe."  

I went to fetch Taylor a cloth and when I came back to my wife's side, a nurse made her way over with our little miracle in her arms. The nurse handed her over to me and found the door. I gazed at my daughter who was so still in my arms. Wow. My daughter. The words echoed in my mind. My daughter. Taylor and I... This was our daughter. This was our world. After nine months and a stressful three hour labour. She was here. She was ours.  

I took pictures in mind of the beautiful little girl who was in my arms. Her chin had the perfect little bubble and her lips were identical to Taylor's. It was like her lips gave that natural smile. My daughters button nose had to be the cutest thing. And her eyes, even though they were still closed, I knew they'd be perfect.  

I lifted her up an met her half way, putting my lips to my daughters forehead, kissing her so gently and as I pulled away her smile grew. Tiny dimples sat in the middle of her cheeks.  

Taylor stared at our daughter as I passed her over. I stood back a little, to watch Taylor hold our baby for the first time. I knew it wouldn't be the last. A nurse started to take photos but Taylor's eyes were fixated on the bundle of joy that sat in her arms. Pulling a chair over, I sat down beside the bed. "What should we name her?" I whispered as we both stared at the flawless little girl in her pink blanket, sleeping.  

"I don't know." Taylor sighed, "but it needs to be something we both like."  

"Do you have any ideas?" I said, turning my attention from the blonde baby to my wife. We never really talked about it.  

Taylor licked her lips. "What about..." She paused, "no, never mind."  

"What are you thinking?"  

"You're gonna think I'm weird!" she laughed but only a little.  

I kissed Taylor's cheek, "I already know you're weird, that's why I married you!"  

Taylor broke the gaze she had of our daughter and turned to look at me. "What about Juliet?"  

"It's perfect." I said with no hesitation.  

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