Arrogance (Chapter 11)

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ARROGANCE: The Sixth Circle of Hell

Chapter XI


“Are you threatening me?” Clutch demanded, stepping between Doyle and me.

“If I was threatening you,” Doyle said. “I’d have said how easy it would be to have you all shot and thrown into the pit to rot with these corpses and no one would be the wiser. I’m simply saying I’m someone you’d much rather have as a friend than as an enemy.”

I glanced at Clutch who looked as tense as I felt. Without looking down, I checked my rifle to make sure the safety was off. I realized now it had been a mistake coming here today. Doyle was a power-monger. And he clearly wanted Clutch. That Doyle wanted Clutch alive or dead, I hadn’t yet figured out.

“Watch it,” Tyler said. “You’re grossly overstepping your bounds.”

Doyle pointed at the pit full of zeds. “My men are protecting the Fox River valley. If we hadn’t destroyed these monsters, how many more lives would be lost by now? We are not asking for gratitude. All I ask for is a little support and regular supplies. You need to talk to Lendt and get him to grant my men full access to Camp Fox’s resources. Enough of this rationing bullshit.”

“No,” Tyler said. “From what I’ve seen lately, I’m going to advise Lendt that the militia should be reassigned under my command.”

Doyle pulled down his bandana. “And exactly what do you think you’ve seen, Masden?”

Tyler jutted out his chin. “I know you’re feeding me bullshit every week. For starters, do you think I wouldn’t notice that you have a hell of a lot more people on this camp than just the militia and their families?”

“It takes a lot of support resources to run a successful militia.”

“If you haven’t been killing so many zeds and bringing in survivors, I would’ve shut you down a month ago,” Tyler snapped back.

Doyle watched Tyler carefully. “You should tread carefully, Captain. Times have changed. Nature will take its course, just as it always has. The weak will die, leaving only the strong. If we waste our efforts protecting the weak…” Doyle shot a gaze at me before turning back to Tyler, “then we will all fall to the zed horde. You are incorrect, Captain. As the leader of the militia, I have the right to do whatever it takes to ensure my men are the strong.”

“You’re fighting each other when we should all be fighting the zeds together,” Clutch growled out. “You two can work out your own shit. I’m out of here.”

With that he turned, shot me a look, and headed back to the door, with me at his side. The guard from earlier blocked the door.

“Out of my way, boy,” Clutch ordered.

The man looked nervously past our shoulders and didn’t move.

“Think it through, Clutch,” Doyle called out, sounded exasperated. “You’re trained to analyze every situation. You know joining with me is the only logical decision.”

Clutch’s back straightened and he turned around. “And if I don’t?”

“Then you’ll realize your mistake when you find you’re unable to protect your own people.”

“Now that sounds an awful lot like a threat,” Clutch said.

“Enough, Doyle!” Tyler yelled out. “Sarge isn’t militia. He’s retired military and has been recalled to active duty as of thirty seconds ago,” Tyler said, his voice deeper and louder than before. “How he serves is Lendt’s decision. We’ll continue this discussion later at Lendt’s office.”

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