1: Back To Hogwarts

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Think You Know Me? 1

DISCLAIMER!! All characters, places, objects, things, etc. created by J.K Rowling belong to her :) I only own the characters I have created like Stella and Sera, nothing else :)

Chapter 1:

"Wilson, Stella." Professor McGonagall called my name. With shaking hands, I walked up to the small stool and sat, placing the old frayed sorting hat on my head. Just before the hat fell over my eyes, I looked over to the Ravenclaw table and saw my brother Derek give me a reassuring smile.

"Ah, a little Ravenclaw pureblood, I see, everyone in the family? Impressive." The hat spoke in my head. My parents and older brother had told me all about the sorting hat, but it was still weird having another voice in your head.

"You are very smart, and have a thirst for knowledge - Ravenclaw would suit you well, but that touch of bravery and boldness suggests a more Gryffindor approach. And wait, your caring side could say Hufflepuff, but it is much overruled by your cunning and ambition. Hmm... Every house could take you, although one stands out among the rest..." The hat spoke in my brain.

"I think you would best suit... SLYTHERIN!"

I woke up in bed, shivering from the cold air flowing through my bedroom window and shaking from the results of a recurring bad dream.

That dream was a bad one, alright. It wasn't a nightmare, it wasn't scary or anything, but if that hat had yelled a different house, then my life would be a lot different - and most likely in a good way. If I hadn't been sorted into Slytherin house five years ago, then my right now I probably wouldn't be sleeping in an attic, my family would actually talk to and acknowledge me, I would have more than one friend, and I wouldn't have to put on an act every single day of my life. But once the sorting hat yells "SLYTHERIN", you can never go back.

A tapping on my window shocked me out of the daze I was in. I jumped out of bed and opened my window wider so that a tawny owl could fly in. It landed on my desk and I untied the letter around it's leg. I don't have an owl myself, but I have a bag of owl treats for whenever I get a delivery. I gave the owl a treat and it hooted merrily before flying back out my window. I closed the window firmly behind it, stopping the chilly night time air from entering my room.

I flicked my small light on and, sitting down at my small desk, I opened the letter from my best friend Seraphine. I recognised her handwriting immediately.

'Dear Stella,

How are things at your place? I hope your family are not being dicks.

My parents and brother are on holiday in Spain and guess who was forgotten about? Yeah, me. But at least there are no snide remarks like 'shouldn't you be practising dark arts in your room?' And 'where are your evil buddies, away with Voldemort?', it seems those two are my father and brother's  favourites. Stupid, unforgiving, prejudiced Gryffindors.

My holidays have been uneventful and dull, so I'm glad that they're over tomorrow, and I can't wait to see you! Should we try meet at our usual compartment before someone else gets it? I can't wait for this year at Hogwarts, I have a feeling it's going to be different, in a good way.

My family will be back from Spain any minute now, so I have to go! I hope you are doing well with yours!

Lots of love,

Sera xxx'

I smiled when she mentioned her feeling about this year. Her grandmother was a seer and so Sera's hunches and feelings are usually pretty correct. So different in a good way is a very good thing! I pulled a ballpoint pen out of a jar - I can never write with a quill for more than a sentence without breaking it - and got a piece of parchment from my drawer.

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