Chapter 2

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Later at lunch

Prince and Ray: Hey do you ladies want to come sit with us. It would be a shame for you to sit here all alone.

YN: No thanks, we're fine right here.

Crystal: But-(gco)

Yn: That Roc boy is over there I'm not sitting there!

Crystal: Fine *they eat and the boys walk away looking slightly disappointed. Then the bell rings* Yn walks down the hall and sees Roc talking to two girls. He diverts his eyes from them to glance at Yn for a moment and then looks back.

Roc: So Cymphonique, are we on for your house tonight? ;)

Cymphonique: What are you looking at that new girl for. Dumb ass hoe. But yeah ill see you tonight

Madison: Yeah that's all I hear now. New girl this and new girl that. She's ugly too

(Yn' s thoughts towards Madison) Now how is she calling me ugly. I think she needs to take a real good look in the mirror.

(Rocs thoughts towards Cymphonique) Says the girl who fails every class that I use for sex. Smh

Roc: I'm just curious. See you tonight. *Goes to class*

The rest of the day goes by smoothly.

YN: *getting her stuff out her locker so she can go get on the bus* sees Roc and the clique standing there staring at her.

YN: What you want?

??: You in my bed tonight. * Yn turns around, ignores him and starts walking off.

??: Hey New girl are you deaf? *she ignores*

Roc: Nah she's just blind Diggy

Yn: No, you're just mentally retarded.

Diggy: Ssss ooh you're just going to let this nobody talk to you like that. *

Yn: Clearly I must be somebody if you keep wasting your precious time talking to me. * And with that she walks away

Crystal: Now how the fuck are there no more seats left again on this bus?

YN: Man the only seats left are next to Rocs associates. *they walk to the seats* Diggy, scoot yo ass over or imma sit on you.

Diggy: Sounds good and besides, Trevor sits here.

Trevor: Yeah.

Crystal: Is that your final answer?

Trevor, Diggy, and ??: Yep.

YN: Okay, we didn't want to have to do this, but you've forced our hands. * They smack them so hard their entire faces turn red and their heads hit the bus windows.

Diggy: Damn, I'll move over. In fact, take this seat, I don't wan to sit here no more. Wait before y'all move, who's this? *points at ??

Trevor: that's our boy Jacob Latimore.

Crystal: Oh. Bye now. * they get off the bus and sit on their porch.then they pull out a bag of weed and a blunt and rolled it up and lit it.

Yn: I seriously need this right now. And it seems like I'm going to need this for a while haha. I'm about to be stressed out cause of these niggas.

Crystal: Ikr, this is going to be a long school year.

Bad girl trying to love (Mindless Behavior Love story)Where stories live. Discover now