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July 2013

Maleah Gabrielle Yung

"Wassup Le?" Shaun slung his arm around my shoulder

"I'm cool, I'm cool." I smiled up at my best friend. He's helped me through too much these past few months.

Since I went home with Shaun that day to see his Aunt, things have made a turn for the best. We got off to a rocky start at first because of my condition, but Shaun and his family accepted me just as I was. I had to go to rehab for two months, which was hell. It wasn't like I was taking drugs willingly and I wasn't addicted, which is why I left that place. Shaun was upset, but once he realized I was good, he got over it. I'll never have anything to do with alcohol or drugs, not even a cigarette will ever touch my lips ever again.

Anyway, Shaun got me a job at the Pizza Parlor where he works after he forced me to stay with him. I didn't even go back to my mom's house to get clothes or anything. He brought everything new for me. It was like starting a whole new life.

Shaun's Auntie Neesha makes sure I'm good health wise, his mom, Mama Leece, nurtures me like a mother should, and his sister, Asia, does my wild ass hair. She's become my best friend since I met her. Shaun and his dad have become my protectors and it feels good to have a man be a man in my life. I never knew my father, and the man who raped me surely wasn't one.

But enough about that. Today we're graduating. I finally get the chance to say I accomplished something in life. Acceptance letters have been coming in left and right, but instead of going to college, I'm joining the Air Force. I already have a license to do hair, just as a hobby, but that's not something I want to make a hobby. I just got interested in it being with Asia most of the time.

"I'm so proud of my babies." Mama Leece squealed taking what felt like our millionth picture. My jaws were hurting from smiling so much.

"Um Ma I think we gotta go to line up now." Shaun groaned making me laugh. He looked handsome in his dress pants and button down with maroon Jimmy Choo loafers. I wore a simple all white dress with maroon heels that had a black strap around the ankle. My best friend definitely matched my fly.

"Yea mama. We don't want to be late." I nodded agreeing. Mama sucked her teeth looking at the both of us.

"Y'all ain't slick. Tryna get out of taking pictures." Aunt Nee cut in

"Can't talk right now. See you guys later!" I pulled Shaun away from them as quickly as I could.

"Man I'm ready to get this over with. Told you we should've graduated early." He nudged my head messing up my hair. I punched his arm and he didn't even flinch making me pout.

"Bitch ass nigga." I mumbled

"What was that Maleah? Huh?"

"SHAUN STOP!" I yelled trying to get out of the headlock he put me in. I swung hitting him in the lip and he finally let go.

"Yo we gone square up after this for real." Shaun touched his lip to see a drop of blood. I smiled in satisfaction.

"I love you best friend." I giggled and blew him a kiss as he mugged me. The guidance counselor finally got everyone in their correct places and we walked out into the auditorium. We went row by row until our names were called. Of course Mama, Aunt Nee, Asia, and Pops were being loud as hell. I shook the principal and superintendent's hand and danced my way off the stage. Finally out this bit! Shaun's name was called a while after mine.

"Go best friend that's my best friend!" I yelled from my seat after his name was called. He pointed to me doing his straight outta jail pose making everyone laugh. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the ceremony.

Like everyone else, we planned to go eat after graduation was over. I said goodbye to the people I actually talked to in high school. I'd miss this place, but I was happy Shaun and I were moving on from high school and out of New York City to go to Syracuse.

"Le what we gone do when you leave for the Air Force?" Shaun said as we waited for the auditorium to clear out.

"Well I can't have my phone during basic, but I'll call you everyday after that. We can FaceTime before bed, and I'll visit." I said after really thinking. "I'm gonna be traveling and stuff. Maybe you can come along."

"What if I go Pro? We're gonna be separated forever. I gotta protect you Le." I looked at him and back at my fingers.

"Bu-But I know how to defend myself now Shaun. You'll still be the person I run to for protection, but you can't hold your life up for me. You're my best friend and I was you to follow your dreams."

Shaun has been dreaming about the NBA since he was a little boy. Pops used to play in college until he got hurt really had, and now he runs basketball camps here in New York year round. It keeps some of the boys near us out of trouble and helps them up their basketball skills.

"You right, you right. Don't go on and forget about your best friend."

"Never." I smiled kissing his cheek. "Can we take one last walk around the school?" Shaun nodded and with that we began walking.

I had so many good and bad memories here.

Freshman Year - I got into a fight with some junior over her boyfriend asking for my number at lunch. My mom came out here and flipped on the girl's mom, almost sending her to jail.

Sophomore year - found out all my friends were fake hoes. That's when I started rocking with myself and myself only.

Junior year - I was finally looking forwards to senior year. Hardest year, but definitely worth all the trouble and hard work I put in. When I got my first boyfriend that lasted for about 6 months. We broke up because he moved

Finally Senior year.... My worst and best year that I'm ending now. I lost my only friend & comforter... My mom. It was hard and I'm still not over it.. I probably won't ever be, but I'm here and I'm good on everything.

"I know you ain't crying Le." Shaun groaned

"I'm sorry man." I sucked my teeth pushing him. He pulled me into a hug comforting me.

"She'd be proud of you Maleah." He said kissing the top of my head. I nodded calming myself down.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me Shaun. You're my best friend and-"

"Never Le." I nodded and kissed his cheek.
He did the same to me before grabbing my hand to leave.

That was 2 years ago and much has changed.

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