Prologue The First Member!

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Hi, i'm Nary Takahashi the president of the Outcast Club! Currently I only have one official member, my friend Haruna. The Outcasts Clubs purpose is to put people who are afraid of not belonging, in a place were they belong. Basically we take outcasts and put them in a place with other outcast. Right now me and Haruna are looking for members to join, we put up a sign on the bulletin board in the hallways to spark peoples interest! 

"What? The Outcast Club? That sounds stupid."  

"Who in their right mind would want to join that?"

People were gathering around the board and making fun of our poster.

"We have cookies, rainbows, and love? Ha! I would totally join that, note the sarcasm."

Everyone was pointing and laughing. Most people would feel bad, but not us. We're the outcast club, we're outcasts! Do you really think that'd hurt us now?

"Haha! I know it's so stupid right? Who would write such a thing?" Haruna laughed

"Uh, Haruna. You wrote that." I stated with a blank expression.

"Oh, right." She said looking bewildered (You know what I mean if you know what MapleStory is)

Everyone stared at us astonished that we were making fun of ourselves.

"Have you guys never laughed at yourselves?" Haruna said staring at them questioningly.

"Well, that's  sad." I added. 

They then started to walk away cursing under their breaths about how stupid we are.

"Whats up their butts?" Haruna asked looking annoyed.

"Their egos." I answered bluntly.

We then started to walk to the famous abandoned classroom 3-F. No one goes there because they think its haunted, but it was only me and Haruna pranking them so we could use it. When we opened the door, we saw the host club. Nah just kidding hehe. We saw a pink haired girl (similar hair color to Haruna)  with glasses reading a book. 

"Um, excuse me." I said to get her attention. "This is our room."

"Eh? Oh u-um I am very sorry!" She shouts teary eyed while bowing repeatedly.

"W-what? It's okay! No need to be scared!" Haruna said while looking worried.

"Why are you in here anyway? Don't you know this place is haunted?" I said while making ghost noises.

"Yea, I know. That's why i'm here, I knew no one would enter so I came here." She said while whiping her tears.

"Why would you want to be alone?" Haruna asked curiously while tilting her head to the side.

"That's because not many people like me so, I hide somewhere so I don't bother them" She said while looking down.

Wow this girl is modest and honest, two things i'll never be.

"Hey, whats your name?" I ask while getting a bit closer to her. Woah, her eyes are red. Cool!

"N-Nanase Akari." She says while blushing. Omg shes so cute I could just anime nose bleed right now.

"Im Takahashi Nary but you can call me Nary, and this is Suzuki Haruna!"

"Hello! You can call me Haru!" She exclaims happily while doing double peace signs.

"Would you like to join our Hos- Outcast Club?" I asked while pretending I didn't just almost say Host Club.

"O-outcast Club?" She question while tilting her head to the side. Why can't I be cute?

"It's a club for people like us, outcasts. People who think you're a burden aren't good people. Personally I think your ador- a nice person and would love to be your friend. We accept anyone who would like to feel loved!" I said while doing a Sailor Moon pose for some reason. "So, will you join?"

"A-all right..." She says while smiling a bit. Seriously.

"Well, welcome to the Outcast club!" I say while holding out my hand signaling the episodes ending at a touching moment.

EPISODE 0 COMPLETE <3 I GIVE CREDIT TO:  EliPerfkatekah, and KrazyAngelz for being awesome and letting me use there OCs (Akari belongs to Angelz and Nary and Haruna belong to me) Eli and Kat's will be showing up in leh near future!

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