Part 26

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Rapunzel PoV
I have been having these weird flashbacks about mine and jacks friendship why I don't know I have got to get him out of my head I was wearing (pic above) to go to the cafe with Eric yes I wear emo clothes now and I love them now I heard the doorbell go I ran to the door and opened the front door to see Mrs frost elinor
Elinor: Rapunzel sweetie
Punz: yeah
Elinor: can you do me a favour
Punz: sure what is it
Elinor: it's about Jack
What about Jack I thought he hated me
Punz: sure but why
Elinor: he hasn't come out of his room he never goes school and we are worried about him we sometimes hear him yelling 'I've messed up' ' I miss her' 'I failed her' 'she trusted me' and we don't know who 'she' is so can you find out please

Punz: sure let me do something first

she nodded then headed back to her house I texted Eric I'm gonna have to cancel something came up he was fine with it I then went over to jacks house I knocked on the door after 2 minutes the door opened to reveal a worried elinor she looked at me and smiled
Elinor: come in
I went in and elinor shut the door and showed me jacks room then she walked back downstairs I was about knock when I heard his voice
Jack: I'm such a fucking idiot she hates me she won't talk to me I blew it I had to pick the popular life instead of staying with her she won't forgive me

Is he talking about me I got the courage I knocked on

Jack: mum go away I'm fine
What I knocked again
Jack: what did I say mum
Punz: j... Jack
The door opened as soon as I said his name there stood in front of me was Jack but it wasn't the Jack I knew his hair was a mess, his room was a mess with bits of wall on the floor wait did he do this but he wasn't the happy,cheeky fun Jack he was the sad, serious Jack and I want to see the Jack I knew and loved I might be ready to forgive him well them it has been 5 months
End of PoV

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