It is the second day of her funeral. Two days ago they were happy and carefree but now, the tables have turned. They are worlds apart, worlds that cannot be crossed by anyone. The pain is just unbearable and he wanted to see her again but he knew she would hate him for it. He walked through the cold forest trail and the snow even added to the coldness of the place. He pulled up the hood of his jacket and walked faster to reach the well.

"It's just an old well." He said with a hint of smile, contrary to what he says, he let her pull him to the wishing well. They're in the woods but just a few minutes away from their town, and the place is in different shades of green varying from yellow green to viridian. They crossed a tiny river using a wide trunk of tree that is laid to fill the gaps.

"Believing won't do any damage, right?" Summer said with a grin on her face. She is always so positive in every situation she's into. Her classmates call her 'Happy Virus' and indeed she is. His life if compared to place would be like Antarctica. Cold, harsh, full of uncertainty, and unending plains of snow but meeting her was like having the sun rise again in Antarctica and melt away the snow and remove the coldness and fill it with life and color.

"Alright, alright." He said and followed her to the trail. After a few minutes, they reached the old well. Summer tried removing the lid by herself but Clark helped. After putting the lid on the side of the well, Summer pulled up two coins from her pocket and gave one to Clark.

"Wish." She smiled and he obeyed. Closing his eyes, he wished silently and kissed the coin before tossing it up in the air and into the well.

"I want to walk hand in hand with her until I die." Was his wish. This moment is very simple but a memory he will cherish until the end of time.

As he walked on the snowy trail, a chain tangled on his shoe. Wanting to finish his objective quickly, he grabbed the silver chain and pulled it up to see a silver pocketwatch. He pressed the button on the head of the pocketwatch and it opened.

It is functioning. He thought as he examined the pocketwatch. It is simple yet elegant with its intricate design especially the hands of the clock and the numbers. The rim is even adorned with real diamonds. He closed it and saw small sapphires on its lid. It sure is expensive. He thought and placed the thing on his pocket. Let's keep it.

He leaned on the hard wall of the well and looked up at the sky. I hope you're happy in there, Summer. He thought and turned off the flashlight. He just wanted to be there, remember the happy times he spent with her. He opened the lid and took out a small silver coin he have in his pocket. I hope magic is real, Summer. I hope. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, they say and there he is making a wish on a wishing well. He kissed the coin before throwing it upwards and letting it fall straight into the well.

Please bring me back Summer. He wished and looked at the well with rippling water. He was about to turn on his flashlight when he heard footsteps. He didn't dare to say a word, instead he grabbed the dagger he kept on a secret pocket in his jacket and prepared for an attack. He turned around just in time to kick the bastard's face.

"You?! Asshole?!" he shouted when he saw Justin holding his jaw.

"Really man?! That's solid!" he groaned and turned to Johan. "You should stop kickboxing dude. That's solid."

"Stupid. That's the purpose. Self-defense." Johan retorted and Justin just snorted in response. "Why are you even here?" he asked. He didn't even tell his parents that he'll leave and Justin's here? Great. He has a stalker for a best friend now.

"Your parents asked me to find you and I know this is where you always hang out with..." Justin just trailed off, avoiding to mention her name.

"Come on...." He trailed of when he heard footsteps. It is not from Justin because Justin is just beside him. Then who else is here? "Did you bring anyone here?" he asked, whispering to Justin who is obviously scared now.

"No." he replied and took out his dagger again. After a minute, a gunshot echoed in the forest and he knew he had to run. He grabbed Justin and tried to run but the bastard appeared in front of them, pointing a gun at him. He cannot see its face well because of the hood and the face mask.

"What do you want?!" Justin shouted.

"Him." And pointed the gun at Johan. Then it happened. Justin lunged himself at the man and strangled him but the man is strong and shot Justin in the heart. Out of anger, Johan lunged and pierced his dagger on the man's abdomen. The man kicked him on his face and Johan took a step back, wiping the blood on his face, he attacked the man again and twisted its arm. A cry of pain echoed in the forest and the gun dropped. He kicked the man's back and it staggered forward and fell on the ground. Johan stood up straight, his arms upward for defense. He's just unconscious, Johan. He's not dead.

He went to see Justin's condition and dragged him to lean him on the well. Johan checked Justin's heartbeat and sadness filled his eyes. He's dead. He held on the well's lid for support and stood up crying. The man lying two meters apart from Johan gained his consciousness and grabbed the gun in his holster. The gun clicked and the man pointed it to Johan who is unaware of him.

Bang! Bang! And the place fell into silence. With the impact of bullets hitting his body, Johan staggered backward and fell into the well and into cold darkness.

He opened his eyes and closed it again to adjust himself in the brightness. He opened his eyes again and sat up to see the surroundings. What is this place? He's in the middle of a plain beside a pond. The place seems like an endless plain. Short grasses, wild flowers, clear blue skies, all of it seems never ending. He stood up and found his clothes, face, and hair dry. I know I fell in the well. He looked for gunshot wounds in his body but there is none. What the heck is going on?

"Who are you?" he turned around and saw a woman, a goddess or fairy or whatever perhaps, facing him and floating just a few inches from the pond. Her face pale as ivory, eyes as grey as storm clouds, lips as pink as the pink roses, and hair almost white and flowing up to her waist. Her empire-cut dress is deep purple and the hem is floating around her.

"Johan Blackthorn." She must be a goddess or some kind. Johan thought.

"Johan Blackthorn, why are you here?" he almost jumped when the woman appeared beside him.

"I-I don't know."

"You wished in the well, right?" the woman asked while playing with the daisy on her finger. "Tell me what your heart desires the most."

"I want Summer to be back. I want her back." He replied quickly and the woman looked at him and floated again in the sky. He followed her with his gaze and waited for her response.

"Consider your wish granted but it has limitations. You cannot oppose fate, remember that." And everything became bright. He closed his eyes because of the blinding light that consumed the place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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