Chapter one

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All I could see was black, pitch black like the forbidden room. Panic started to set in. Where was I? I kept hearing these weird noises. Some sounded like people, one was very annoying and sound almost like a high pitched whining.

Wait that sound is coming from me, I'm making that noise, that must be why my throat hurts. Why am I whining?

I tried to open my eyes but they felt like there was glue holding them shut, I tried to paw at my face but my legs refused to move. I was so confused and scared. My ears twitched as I heard a loud noise, if was a door opening and I identified footsteps approaching me, the door opened with a loud clang, I flattened my ears, I felt someone's hand on my body, I tried to snap at them but couldn't open my mouth.
"Shhhhh calm down, here this will help"
I felt a prick and got really tired. What the heck is going on?
I thought as I feel dead to the world again.

I was waking up slowly, I could feel it. Only I didn't want to be awake, I like the calm peace of not being aware.

Ok well I am trying to open my eyes. I might as well tell you a little about my self. I am around twenty years old, I think I am not totally sure. They call me Rage. That is one of my fight namesake, I have had two others. I don't have a real name, or if I do I don't remember it . I was captured when I was five. I don't remember how. The hunters have had me for fifteen years. When they deemed that they had broken me they started to use me as a dog fighting dog. I have been fighting since I was nine years old.

I try opening my eyes, surprised when they listen and I see the world around me for the first time, there are stitches and bandages all over mAll I could see was black, pitch black like the forbidden room. Panic started to set in. Where was I? I kept hearing these weird noises. Some sounded like people, one was very annoying and sound almost like a high pitched whining.

Wait that sound is coming from me, I'm making that noise, that must be why my throat hurts. Why am I whining?

I tried to open my eyes but they felt like there was glue holding them shut, I tried to paw at my face but my legs refused to move. I was so confused and scared. My ears twitched as I heard a loud noise, if was a door opening and I identified footsteps approaching me, the door opened with a loud clang, I flattened my ears, I felt someone's hand on my body, I tried to snap at them but couldn't open my mouth.
"Shhhhh calm down, here this will help"
I felt a prick and got really tired. What the heck is going on?
I thought as I feel dead to the world again.

I was waking up slowly, I could feel it. Only I didn't want to be awake, I like the calm peace of not being aware.

Ok well I am trying to open my eyes. I might as well tell you a little about my self. I am around twenty years old, I think I am not totally sure. They call me Rage. That is one of my fight namesake, I have had two others. I don't have a real name, or if I do I don't remember it . I was captured when I was five. I don't remember how. The hunters have had me for fifteen years. When they deemed that they had broken me they started to use me as a dog fighting dog. I have been fighting since I was nine years old.

I try opening my eyes, surprised when they listen and I see the world around me for the first time, there are stitches and bandages all over my body. Everything hurt, even my hair.

I look around I am in a cage. A small cage the most I could do was stand up and turn around. I lay there trying to think, but my brain was foggy. I knew I had to get out of there before my healing factor kicked in. Judging by how foggy my brain was they were giving me a strong sedative. Lucky for me it was not strong enough. I sniff the Tubes and when I figured out which one, I chomp down on the tube for the sedative. Within five minutes my mind is clear. I sit up and sniff the air. The humans have been gone for awhile. It is dark outside. So hopefully I can escape without being caught for a little while.

I nudge the door to my cage it doesn't open. I start pawing at it, all it does is rattle and make a bunch of noise? So next I body slam it. It pops open, man they don't make these cage doors very strong. I shake my head of the memories that try to surface of my time with Salvation, I step out of the cage and start to follow the sent of fresh air. I shuffle thru hallway after hallway before I find the back door. It is locked. I look around for another exit. There is a window that overlooks the forest. I jump at it. The glass shatters, I jump thru the window and land on the glass. It slices the pads of my paws up. I look at the edge of the forest, it is so beautiful. I take off running and continue running for hours. I run for miles upon miles. I lost track after twenty. I am exhausted, but I keep pushing myself.

As I'm running I felt a wierd sensation. Like I just crossed something. In the distance I hear barks and growling. I run faster trying not to get caught. I don't watch where I am going and run in to someone. We go rolling. When we stop I jump up and take a defensive stance. I am surrounded by wolves. I thought I had escaped from fighting for my life, but it looks like I will be doing it again. I start growling. My wounds opened up again when I fell. I still had all the bandages on along with the iv needle that I still had in. So now I am bleeding all over and losing a lot of blood, depressed, scared, and exhausted. I just wanted to be alone. I whimper and lay down, giving up they can do whatever they want I don't care. All the wolves souround me, their all looking at me weird. The big wolf in the center of the group disappears behind a tree. A women comes out from behind the tree with a shirt on. My wolf who I haven't heard from in years was shouting something at me. He kept saying mate. What on earth is a mate? And why on earth do I feel so safe?

"Hey there, can you shift for me?" The nameless woman said.
'Shift what does shift mean?' I thought to my self.  I must of givin her some sort of look cuz the next thing I knew. She was coming closer. I growled weakly at her and tried to stand up but I just fell over.
"Hey calm down I am not going to hurt you. I do need to pick you up. Should I muzzle you before I do?" I whimpered but weakly nodded my head. A wolf walked up to her and handed her a shirt. My wolf growled as the other wolf approached her. She took the shirt and ripped the sleeve off. I flinched at the noise.
"I'm sorry about that, can you come here?"
I tried to stand up but fell over I attempted two more times before I finally succeeded to stand on wobbly legs. I was thankful that no one tried to help though. I probably would have bitten someone.

I cautiously walked over to her. I stopped in front of her. She looked at me with kind eyes filled with sorrow.
"I am going to put this around your muzzle now." She gently wrapped the cloth around my muzzle. Why did I trust her so much? Once she tied it she gently picked me up. 'It hurts' I whined and tried to get out off her arms.
"Easy boy calm down. I know it hurts but it needs to happen. You can't walk so I have to carry you. I am sorry"
I whimpered but stopped struggling.
"Good boy." She wished.
When I had calmed down I noticed that there were sparks everywhere she touched. She also smells amazing. One off the other wolves got to close to her. I growled and tried to attack, totally forgetting that I had my muzzle tied shut.
"Connor back up. He wants to kill you."
"My guess you are to close to me."
"But I am like 8ft away."
"Well he doesn't like you within 8 ft of me"
"but your my best friend" he whined.
I struggled in the women's arms and she accidentally dropped me after I scratched her with my claws. I took my paw and caught the muzzle at the edge of the fabric and ripped it off. My wolf took over.
"CONNOR RUN" She shouted
He changed into a wolf and takes off,  I chase him like my life depends on it. The guy called Connor ran into a den type thing I followed after him. As soon as I ran past the entrance a gate slammed shut. I threw myself at the bars. Snapping and snarling like a rabid animal. The bars would not give.
'Don't lock me in here, please' I thought.
I tried to dig out but ended up hitting metal. Then I started pacing and whimpering, but no one came.

Shado's pov.
I watch as my mate throws himself around the cage. 'What have they done to you?' I think to myself.

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