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I think there would be no better topic than "friendship" to start this diary with. After all, friends are responsible for most of your memorable moments. Many a times, it is friendship which offers a hand to you to dig you out of your lonely world.

But it's also wrong to think that friendship can only get strong if you meet each other daily. That's a common belief but it's far from the truth. You can have memorable moments even with friends who live far from you but share your craziness. It's not a matter of concern though. Internet can endure that craziness. Trust me, it won't complain.

It's been a long time since I wrote something meaningful like this so please bear with me. I am sure almost all of the people who would be reading this must have (a) special online friend(s). Can you imagine your life without them? Just try to go back to the day you met this special person. It's possible that you might have been taking this friendship casually and not realising what would happen if they were absent in your life. Fine, you may have a bustling social circle in your life but will you still be okay if your "online" friend decides to exit your life? Be honest with yourself.

Friendship grows with time, be it online or not. Friendship is no different than a plant. Like a plant needs the sun's care and water's embrace to grow, friendship also relies mainly on two factors - Trust and Love. Just in case it is not clear, "Love" as in the friendly love.

I think that's enough for one day. Sorry to the people who have to go through the torture to read this. I just typed my heart out and now it's time to torture some people to start writing this diary.

Now, who shall my victims be?

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