We meet again

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Raven has been avoiding the other Titans for a while now.

Raven was sitting in her room and would only leave to eat or to "do her business"

She told everyone specifically to leave her alone and stop asking her about what happened.

The alarm suddenly goes off and all of the Titans arrive at the living room but Raven was the last.

Everyone noticed her being there but acted like it was fine.

"Titans, there has been a break-in at warehouse 9357 and that specific warehouse holds Zenothiem. We need to get there now!" Robin says as all of them run to the T-car

Raven sat in the back of the T-car and sat quietly while staring out the window

"I wonder who it is this time" Raven thought as she looked out the window. Seeing many things fly by because of the speed that the T-car.

After about 6-10 minutes, all of the Titans rush into the warehouse

"Strange, nothing was stolen" cyborg said curiously

"That's actually not my plans this time Titans..." A deep and dark voice that every one of the Titans knew.

"Slade...what do you want" Robin said furiously and never took his eyes off of the masked man

"I'm only here to tell a little bird's little secret" Slade smirked under his mask and looked at Raven
Authors note: DUH DUH DUN! Slade is back!

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