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*Kellin's POV*

"Psst," I heard someone whisper, "Pssst."

I still felt weak from the sedative but I managed to open my eyes, only to see a drunk Danny doing some weird pose, "Kellin, draw me like one of your French girls."

"What?" Everything still seemed hazy and he was already making so sense.

"Draw me like one of your French girls," he repeated, "They left you some paper and water colors, I want you to paint me," he pointed at the materials that were next to the door.

"I don't have the strength to paint," I was surprised that I wasn't in a straight jacket and it took everything in me to flip over and see what he was talking about.

"Don't make me get you up," he said and took another drink from the bottle of whiskey.

"You sound like my dad," and that wasn't a good thing.

"Fine, whatever, you useless human," he muttered.

We heard a light knock on the door, that was odd because they would always barge in, "Hello, Kellin, how are you doing today?"

"Go away," I mumbled, I didn't feel like talking to Dr. Urie today.

"Why? We were having such a wonderful conversation yesterday," he sat on the corner of the bed.

"Why don't you guys just get rid of me and kill me already? I'm only taking up space," I said in a monotone.

He was taken aback by my sudden bluntness, "Why do you think we would do that?"

"You know damn well that they wouldn't hesitate in doing it, Kellin, but they can't because they would be charged as murder and they'll end up going to jail. You're not worth their time, they're going to let you rot in this place, you'll be here with me for the rest of your miserable life," Danny slurred for the most part.

"Kellin, please answer me," he lightly placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Hurt him. Hurt him so that he'll get away. If you hurt him, he won't bother in asking you so many stupid questions," Danny taunted.

"No..." I answered both of them.

He sighed, "Kellin, you've been here far too long with little to no signs of progress. I've seen every pill you take, they don't seem to be doing any effect on you anymore. This is severe, you're officially considered a severe case."

"I don't care," I honestly didn't. I wish they would just kill me and donate my organs to people who are actually trying to live.

"Your father signed a permission paper, allowing us to proceed with the ECT."

"He was here yet he didn't come to see me? That's just fuckíng fantastic." I muttered, "What's an ECT anyway?"

"It stands for electroconclusive therapy, it's really helpful and has showed positive results in severe patients like yourself."

"Oh, joy," I rolled my eyes. Nothing could be that perfect, there must be some kind of side effect but I didn't want to know. The less I knew, the better.

"The way this therapy works-"

"Just get to it. I don't want to know, just help me get out of here- to get better," the sooner we started this 'magical' therapy that could supposedly cure me and take me out of this hell, the sooner I could go jump off a bridge.

I was walked to another room, grasping onto Dr. Urie's arm since I refused to be touched by anyone else. I had to walk slowly because I felt weak since I would refuse to eat most of the time. Danny quietly followed me on the other side, keeping pace with me.

"Dr. Urie, you do really think I'll get better?" Like, seriously, did he? I was hopeless and even I knew that.

"Please, call me Brendon, and to answer your question I truly believe you'll get better. Everyone has a second chance at life," he lightly squeezed my arm and gave me a reassuring smile.

We went inside the room, I saw some weird machine with wires and a bed with straps. It looked like an execution bed, if you asked me. The thought of that didn't sound so bad.

He helped me lay down, placing my arms beside me with palms down and my legs were laid straight. The nurses strapped on my arms and legs, too many straps for my liking. I tried to move around them, proving that they were escape proof.

Then they started sticking these weird circle things onto my head, "Kellin, these are called electrodes, they're-"

"Don't tell me. The less I know, the better. Just get on with it," and to be polite, I added, "Please."

He simply nodded as he brushed my hair off of my forehead and added these electrode whatever things. It was like having a sticker with a string attached, I felt like an octopus. No wait, a jellyfish.

Then I saw he took out a needle, "Wait, what's the needle for?" I thought I was going to be awake for this process.

He chuckled, "I thought you said the less you knew, the better."

"Well, yeah," I mumbled.

"This is just anesthesia, you'll be just fine," he said and came closer.

For the first time, I didn't want to have a needle stuck in me. I wanted to see this whole process thing so I tried to move but with no avail. I felt the sharp pinch on my arm, making me squirm as I felt the injected fluid start to run through my veins.

"It's going to be okay," Danny said as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up and found myself in a strange room, I had straps on my arms and legs , there were things stuck on my head. What was I doing here?

"Oh, you're awake," a voice out of my view said, making me jump.

Once he came to view, I noticed he was a doctor, "Um, I guess so?" I felt so confused.

He flipped through some papers, "Please, tell me your name."

After a few minutes, I responded, "I... I don't know."

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I'm already 100% with college and I'm only on my second week of it. Isn't it great?

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