Fire Flower

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*What are you entirely made of? is that the same person inside that gear? What will happen if you take away everything that your shell is made of?*

- At the end of the day, as long as there's 2 people left in the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead. -

Hey you, the name's Whiskey. Back here we call each other by our call-signs. No names, No memories, No fuzz. You're one of the few people in the planet to hear about the story that changed my team's history (uh well, technically, the few people that lived after knowing the story). so here it goes....

Bravo 6 Dispatchment Team, was the best team of highly specialized "professionals", I used the word "professionals" cause we we're always misinterpreted as "contract killers". We professionals have standards. We don't live on feelings, we draw blood for the highest bidders, Be polite, Be efficient, Have a plan to kill everyone you meet. We kept our team to ourselves, we lived among society as we blended in like the wind. 

Meet the team. Meet the marksman, Eagle, former marine scout sniper gone rogue after an IED incident that traumatized him, the IED killed his whole unit except him. His records go way back from the first Iraqi occupation to the Firefights in Fallujah. Meet the Demoman, Keeno, ever wondered how we got his name, well it's from KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate), He likes to add that to his batch of special explosives. Former scottish insurgent given a second chance by an Israeli commando unit after being rescued from an operation to attack an IRA stronghold. Meet the Spy, Romeo, former british intelligence officer at MI6, went rogue after a burn notice regarding a frame-up for the death of a Nicaraguan asset. Meet the Brawler, Foxtrot, a lately relieved spetsnaz operative, we don't know much about foxtrot, all we know is that he can really hit close-range. Meet the Hacker, Charlie, an interpol criminal, responsible for the leaked information of different UN countries to different organized crime syndicates. and lastly me, The Heavy, former spetsnaz and SEALS commando unit leader, I know there is more to life than taking orders.

We went through missions very easily, the faster we did the hard job, the faster our pay arrived. Well that worked, until the mission that changed our lives. We didn't have time for feelings, or to establish a real connection to the real world, everything was just peachy.

One day, we we're given a call by someone.

"I need your team to smuggle something.", I replied "We ain't smuggling shit, until we know what is it, or what it was for."."I'll pay 10 million pounds", he then continued "I need you to deliver a girl, she's the key to a brighter future." Eager enough, I told him the wire transfer details for the payment, he also was nice enough to send in some gear and an incentive 300,000 pounds.I then told him "This is really so much for only a girl." he then replied smoothly "well there's no other option but your team, so just go on with it." He then hanged up the phone and dealt with my team for briefing.

Keeno was the first guy I saw in the room, he was trying to fix something up that I know wasn't safe to get close to. "So where are the others?" he replied "Charlie's working on the satellite uplink, Foxtrot and Romeo are on the way, and Eagle is coming back from the Liquor store." I said, "The liquor store?". he then replied "Yeah, I've been clean from booze for one week, I need some fuel to get me going.". A few minutes went by then my team started to show up, I then started the briefing.

"Okay guys, this is a simple delivery mission. Receive the girl, ride without getting killed, and lastly drop her at the extraction zone." Eagle was quiet but looked fine with the plan; Keeno was asking about the pay, I gladly told him about it and the incentive which he was happy to agree; Foxtrot and Romeo was on the same page, "what are we doing, smuggling a girl?" I then replied "Intel suggests that the girl is part of an R&D program", Charlie then said "I thought you were smarter than this?", I told them my last verdict "I don't know what shit's going on that extraction point, but all I know is we're doing something for the good of mankind, either we do this or we don't get payed !!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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