Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: Heyo! I'm back from hiatus, and I'm comin' back with a surprise! (Not very) EARLY RELEASES! Sorry if this chapter is bad, my only excuse is, I'm just now coming back, and I'm unsure how to pick up where I left off, y'know? This'll be more of a "Catching Up with the Group" kind of chapter, as well the next few. They wont be long, just a brief catch-up and shenanigans until the plot line touches down. Ready? Now... Enjoy!
Sidenote: Re-watched only a bit of Soul Eater, so I hope the personalities still click. This break was strictly to resolve some problems, but none else, so I'll start re-watching throughout the weekend.
Sidesidenote: Might do a Valentines Day Special. MAYBE. Don't quote me on it. XD)

-11 months ago-

"I'm retiring. We can be a full time family." I smile.

"Oh my god, really, that's great!"

"Yes, and the money is insane! We'll be a great family." I approach the two of them.

"And this little one will have a great childhood.... movies.... family outings... the whole nine yards."

"I can't wait...." she gave a happy smile.

"Neither can I."

Nor can I. You ALL will be seeing me shortly.

(Stein's POV)

"Azalea Stein was born to Marie and Franken Stein on the day of August 14, 2015." reading the birth certificate, smiling at the tiny baby girl before reading on. "Weighing in at 3.5 kilograms... truly a bundle of joy..." I plant a soft kiss on her head, and I had a feeling... a feeling I haven't felt in a long time...

The feeling of not wanting to dissect the very being in front of me. Why would I? She's my daughter? I must guard her with my life, and one day pass on my skills so she can be as strong, and hopefully not as twisted, as me.

Footsteps slowly walk down the wooden stairwell of our new and far more improved house. That's what Azalea deserves. "Hey..." it was my wife, Marie. Wait... is she..?

"What are you doing out of bed? You must recover." going to her, I began walking back up the stairs, hearing a faint creak that never had surfaced until Marie was in the final stages of pregnancy, her extra weight invoking that creaking to ensue. Not like I have a problem with it, to be honest, it brings back memories. Taking care of her, spending all night talking about what to name our sweet Azalea, holding her through the stormy nights as she went through her occasional emotional outbursts... good times...


I hear a loud thump as I realize that I was so deep in my euphoric nostalgia, I didn't notice that stairs existed. Naturally, the loud noises causes Azalea to cry downstairs. Holding Marie, we went down as Marie sung to her, I fed her her bottle, decorated in stitches by yours truly. it took time, but she was soothed. Taking Marie back up to bed, I kiss her goodnight as I lay with her, looking forward to the sight of our daughter at daybreak.

Silly Stein..... you should know better than to leave your child out in the open like that~ I'm not THAT heartless, but some... maybe.....

Good night, Azalea....

((That was the Stein and Marie chapter, which chapter shall be next? Who is the next to be caught up on? Vote in the comments, and I'll tally em up! It's between Maka and Soul, Blackstar and Tsubaki, or the mystery couple~ Winning chapter will get that slot in or after Valentine's Day. :3 Seeya next time!))  

Resonance 2: The Bonds We Share (Book 2 of 3 in the Resonance series)Where stories live. Discover now