Canto Number 4

17 0 0

Zipping the road

headlights clearing the dark zone

Mary moved

so did my eyes

I was loosing blood

and saw those three headlights

right behind.

They were chasing

in three fast vehicles.

I said aye

and killed the accelerator.

One was in my line of sight

and two trying my sides.

Car was on forest road

I had my gun out on full load

I was trained for low light kills

and this was where

now I needed my skills.

With a painful and bleeding

shoulder blade

and one hand on wheel

I came a turn

to enter a deal.

Three shots from the mouser

on one side assailant

the bullet landed true

right on the right tyre

the target car cartwheeled

and turtled in mire.

Two shots broke my back mirrors

where Mary lay oblivious of bullets,

throwing open on me

a line of direct attack.

They had reformed

now both vehicles rode abreast

right behind.

Closing in on me.

I was riding at 100

they were coasting

about 120.

I slowed down to 90

getting them near.

60,50,40,30,20 and 10 feet

I turned back

took an aim

for the driver on right

where it might be his head.

Through the back mirror break

my aim scene was broad

with car lights

helping as well as

obstructing along.

My eyes shifted

back to wheels

with hand stiff in aim

at the back

I fired

and heard the scream

breaking the windshield

bullet landed

in the chest

guy screamed dead.

I drove on

a shower of bullets

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