III - "Cockiness is not bad"

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   "This movie better be worth my time! I was going to play scramble with the neighbors," Jisoo whined, huffing shortly after. "I really like playing scramble with the neighbors, their son Samuel is so funny," Jisoo commented, a smile appearing on his face. Jisoo got along well with his younger neighbor considering Samuel always made him feel like he was in America because they both speak English. Plus, he secretly admires the fact that someone younger than him was fluent in three languages.

   "Yeah I know, Samuel was in my school a couple of years back." Hansol opened the door of the movie theater, feeling too cold to have a conversation outside in the winter weather. He let Jisoo get in first, getting inside afterwards. As soon as he stepped inside he could see Seungkwan and his friends. Seungkwan was kind of hard to miss since he was jumping up in down in happiness. At least, it seemed that way to Hansol.

   Walking towards the popular kids, Hansol leading the way, he could hear more clear bits of their conversation since the theater was unusually pretty empty. "Congrats on-" Hansol heard, then not being able to hear do to someone else's conversation. Hansol walked faster, Jisoo hurrying up. They were almost there, Hansol thought. They were just across the room, why did it seem so far?

   "-about time you landed a date!" Jeonghan smiled encouragingly, semi-massaging Seungkwan's right shoulder. Hansol felt a pang in his chest. A date? Who would want to date Seungkwan? He was such a diva! An annoying one at that.  "Oh hey Hansol, who's this?" Seungcheol greeted, then looking past Hansol and checking Jisoo out. Not in a sexual way, just sizing him up.

   Soonyoung soon jumped up and down, his smile so big you couldn't see his eyes, which was not unusual. "I know this kid! He's a foreigner! His name's Joshua but his Korean name is Jisoo. Jisoo hyung, can I call you Joshua?" Soonyoung rambled, looking at Jisoo in hopes that he'd say yes. Jisoo only nodded, returning a friendly smile as well. Jeonghan glanced at Jisoo, looking away soon, as he began to blush.

"So glad you could make it Vernon, glad to meet you too Joshua," Seungkwan smiled, sipping onto his ice drink with his sunglasses on. He looked like he belonged on a television show, which is how Jisoo figured he had such a strong female fan base in school, including some male admirers.

Jisoo wondered how Hansol managed to pull it off. He thought it would be very hard to even get near the cool kids, but it seemed like his friend fit right in. It made him feel a tad bit lonely, because his best friend didn't exactly need him anymore. It was then that Jisoo realized that Hansol never really needed him, more like he needed Hansol. He was the  new-ish kid after all. Jisoo began to breathe heavy, his thoughts getting to his head. This is why he doesn't go out. People made him nervous. His own thoughts made him nervous.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, slowly turning him around. It was Jeonghan's. As everyone else was busy with their conversations as they sent Soonyoung to get the tickets with combined money from all of them, Jeonghan was actually paying attention to him. "You alright there bud?" Jisoo nodded, but he quickly felt a sharp pain in his ear. His ears were ringing. He grabbed his ear, wanting it to stop. Jeonghan panicked and did the only thing he could think of. He hugged Jisoo and covered his ears as well, thinking maybe the ruckus from everyone around Jisoo may be too much for him.

Jisoo calmed down. That's all he needed. For someone to care so he could calm down. The ringing stopped and his breathing was normal. "Thank you Jeonghan. I'll remember this," Jisoo smiled, patting Jeonghan's back. Jeonghan only nodded as he was glad no one seemed to notice their little scene.

   Soonyoung soon returned with the tickets, handing them over to Seungcheol. He passed them around, taking the role of a leader, Hansol noted. "So, amongst you guys, who's the youngest?" Hansol asked Seungkwan. "Lee Chan. Seungcheol is the oldest, then it's Jeonghan, followed by that it's Soonyoung, then Mingyu whom is not here. After that it's me followed by Lee Chan." That was the longest list Hansol ever heard and he was surprised he caught up.

   As the movie was going to begin, Hansol turned to reach out to Jisoo, only to catch him talking to Jeonghan. Jeonghan was actually laughing at something Jisoo had said. Hansol frowned, thinking it was unfair Jisoo was funny with other people but not him. Jisoo was always boring around him and his friends. They all walked to the theater they were supposed to, giving half their ticket to the tickets man. The man looked bummed, playing with his hair to kill boredom.

   Seeing this reminded Hansol why he befriended Seungkwan in the first place. Hansol was just like that ticket man at one point in life, but Seungkwan had recently just appeared in his life and he had already made it more entertaining. Someone seriously give Seungkwan a medal for that.

   "Thank you Seungkwan." Needless to say, Hansol felt like it was right for him to thank the man who cured his boredom. "What for?" The boy asked, cocking his brow, interested in the anticipated reply. "For saving me from being that," Hansol whispered, gesturing towards the ticket man. Seungkwan smiled, ruffled Hansol's hair and put his arm around the boy. Sure he had to be in his tipi-toes but it was all worth the moment.


   The movie was alright but Hansol had seen better. He supposes that the only reason why he enjoyed it was because of the funny comments Seungkwan would whisper in is ear. It was then he realized Seungkwan smells really good and his lips are nice and sort of . . . big. But he chose not to think too much about Seungkwan like that because it would be weird if he developed a crush on him.

Seungkwan's phone rang as soon as the movie finished and they had gotten out of the theatre. He answered and Hansol could see the smirk on Seungkwan's face. It kind of annoyed Hansol, but he just let it slide. He waited for Jisoo but when Jisoo did come out, he was still talking to Jeonghan. He would have to ask for details later. So, Hansol just stood there, waiting for Seungkwan.

When Seungkwan finally did hang up, he had this huge smirk on his face. "What happened to you?" Hansol asked, genuinely curious as to what could make Seungkwan smirk like that. "I have a date, and it seems like she's head over heels. If I'm lucky, I get a hookup out of this date. Though I'd have to admit, her voice is sort of annoying and she has a huge chest. Believe it or not, big breasts aren't my type."

In a weird way, Hansol could not believe Seungkwan actually got action and had the capability to act and talk about things like that so lightly. It kind of bugged him, but he remained quiet. "You sound kind of cocky about it. Like, you sound like those annoying guys who think they could get anyone they want in the world." Seungkwan let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"Listen Hansol," he started, placing his arm around him as they walked towards their friends. "Cockiness is not bad, it just has it's limits." Hansol once again only nodded, once again pretending to agree or to actually understand. "Oh, back to the player thing you said earlier. I can get whomever I want, my charms as a male diva are irresistible," Seungkwan smirked, slipping his sunglasses back on even if there was no sun.

"I bet you couldn't," Hansol confidently said, yet deep down he was scared. What on earth was he saying?! "Name someone I could never get," Seungkwan said, sounding up for a challenge. This time, Hansol leaned in close, as it looked like it would be a side peck. But instead he leaned in to whisper something only meant for Seungkwan's ears.


All Rights Reserved © 2016 animenbands

(Happy 'cause the romance is finally kicking in :D sorry if you do not ship JiHan. But if you haven't noticed, I sort of fuckinglovethemcausetheyreOTP. All errors will be corrected once book is complete and I feel like editing shit. )

Edited September 2nd, 2016

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