Mates Meant to be Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~

I'm laying on my bed in my dark room thinking about what happen today.

Why did she help me? A Fox, helping a Wolf?
A Blood Moon Fox.
Helping a Moom Pack Wolf?

It makes no sense! Ugh! I role over to my side and dig under my bed for a bit. I never really clean under here. I remember when u was juts a pup my mother would always tell me to clean my room but instead I'd push everything under my bed.

Juts to find some really cool and awesome things under it when I wanted to clean.

But I'm not cleaning today. I pull out a bloody rabbit fur that the hunter had on him but dropped when all that heat went down. I didn't understand her sent but..It was there. It was soemthing different, it smells so good. I roll into my back cluching the fur to my nose.

I wanted no needed to get as much of her sent as I could. That's when it hit me.
I shoot open my eyes and throw the fur across the room.
"Ahhhh!" Why am I thinking like this! I just need to get some rest things aren't going to be good if I keep this up. But..who is she? Why does she smell! I can't even answer myself a simple question!
I grab my pillow and drop it onto of my face letting out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding.

"I know she's a Fox. I know she's been in my territory. I know she's been around my house, in my room, everywhere. But how..?"

I shift the pillow off and look up at the roof. My mind running around one thing.

"Could I see her again?"

"Could you see who again?"

I almost did a back flip out of my bed when William came around the corner and into my room.


William laughed and leaned agenst the doorframe.

"Yeah but you don't when you come into my room."

I roll my eyes and throw the pillow at him. Of course he grabs it and walks inside sitting next to me on the bed.

"Soemthing bothering you?"

I looked over at my bothers bright green eyes. We argue a lot but we're still brothers. I always know he'll be there with me.

"Ugh! There's a-"
He bit my tongue. I can't tell him I want to see a fox. He'll take off my tail!

"A what bro? Hey you ok?"
Worry filled his deep voice. I knew I couldn't tell him but can I lie to my only brother?

"There this..Girl-"
I was stopped by Wills hand covering my mouth. I looked up at surprisingly a very happy looking face.

"Brrroo! You've finally found your mate!"

The word mate ran through me like a heated Iron ran through my heart.

N-no..that- that can't be.. My Mate can't be a Fox! That's not how it works.

"Wait till mom finds out bro. I'm so happy for you. You can join my side in the Mate run thus upcoming week."

My mind started running in circles as my site became blurred.

Running by my brother..?
That's soemthing I've always wanted to do. Run by his side and find our mates together.. But. If it's true..

"Hey bro..? What's it like? How do you know it's your mate?"

I asked him well sitting up and pushing myself agenst the wall. He rubbed his chin for a moment before snaping his fingers and looking at me with a smile.

"When you find your mate it's like the world becomes brighter. Everything about them drives you crazy. There looks, sent, personally, there whole soul. Ones you find your mate a bond will start to tie. The more you're around one another the stronger it'll get."

He took a breath.

"I was hoping mom would explain all this to you...Well when you and your Mate finally meet the ties will start and you'll be linked with them permanently. You'll hear there thoughts. Feel the beat of there heart like your own. There pain and pleasure become yours."

The more I listen the sicker I felt.


Oh no..

"When you and your mate are apart for long periods of time without sealing the bond. Your link will slwoly fade and leave one of you broken."

"What do you mean broken Will?"

He took a breath and placed a hand on my shoulder. It gave me a very uncomfortable feeling with the look in his eyes only Adding to the bad that fallowed close behind.

"Well not many Male Wolf's are needed in packs. When a Mate bone is broken it leaves the female up for takers that have ether lost there Mate to sickness or banished. There left without that one person that'll understand them the most."

I pushed off his hand and looked William in the eyes.

"They say you can barely live if your Mate dies."

My brother shot me a 'Are you even listing?' look.

"If the Link is not complete you won't have the pain the others feel. There's a very big difference Tom. You'll learn them when you complete your one link."

William sat up from my bed leaving me in my thoughts. He closed the door behind myself as I juts stated at the wall.
Do I really need my Link? What if she's not really my Mate?
Could I still find another?
Even with all these thoughts and questions going through my head there's still one question that needs to be answered.

Who is she really?

Taylor's POV~

The night was so breathtaking, the moon so full of light and the stars. I remember when Tom and I find became friends.
I didn't like the night it scared me more then anything. But he showed me what real Beauty the night could old.

Today was nothing but crap. Jack was looking for me all day long, I've barely been able to leave let alone get out tonight. I don't understand why he's after me. I know who my love is. And..I know I'll never have him..but He has his out there somewhere.

I lay my head agenst the rocks, the open hills of tall grass and flowers blew in the winds of the night. It's not safe to be outside at night mostly here from hunters. But they wouldn't attack a "Human" girl.
I layed there letting the light of the moon was over me as my mind slowly drifted off into a world where I knew i could be happy.


I'm not Dead!
I am so so so sorry. It's been years since I've updated this onld thing.
I've returned and I'm willing to give this another try to hopefully give this book the ending it deserves. Please forgive my spelling as I will re-edit most chapters and fix what I can.
I wish everyone a wonderful day and hopes no one kills me for the overly out dated update 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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