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In the year 2198, much of Planet Earth was destroyed in a nuclear war. Two hundred fifty-three people survived the war by hiding in shelters-- most shelters were destroyed, rendered useless by the newest bomb technology used by many of the final battle's participants. By some miracle, the planet's radiation-soaked forests were centralized, and the survivors managed to stay alive by congregating on the mountaintops.

One hundred fifty years later, earth's population has increased to nearly one thousand eight hundred people. The people have broken up into seven separate tribes, each with its own customs and ideals. My tribe (known as the floor-people since we have a tendency to wander through the deadly forests but emerge unharmed) is the most peaceful of all seven, fighting only when attacked, but we are the most capable and lethal of fighters.

Our goal is to keep the world from falling back into the chaos that caused its near-demise. So far, we are failing.  

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