Introducing Me!

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Hello, my name is Aleah Jordan Jones, my nick name is Aj, I'm actually 16 years old but I'm almost 17!! Some people think that I'm 18 buuttt as I said, hahaha I'm not! I have very few talents, (example: softball, cheer, and playing guitar) I don't normally like to share my talents with people but they found out eventually ;). The one talent that no one knows about is the one I've been hiding since I was 5, I sing. I hate talking about it because it feels like I'm bragging so that's another reason why I just keep it to myself. I wish that some people wouldn't be so nosy with my talents because I'm basically an open book until it comes to talents, and ten I just shut down, ya know? Go ahead and click to the next chapter and hear about my friends and sisters! There's a lot to tell!!

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