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"G wake up!" Taylor slammed her tray down next to were my head was placed. It was lunch time, I didn't really care, I just wanted to sleep.

At least it was Friday. Me and Marcel hadnt talk since he last came over. I see him every once in a while but we don't say anything, just make eye contact. Not that I care or anything.

"Georgia? Hello." I looked up to see Taylor munching on an apple. She's trying to stay in shape.


"What's up with you? You never want to hang out with me anymore. All you ever do is sleep."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well I've been up all night , so."

"What screwing with Rider?" Taylor said as she tried hard not to laugh.

" Fuck off." I said angrily. Such a good so called best friend.

"Oh come On G! I'm just playing with you. Man you really must be tired. What's up?"

I sighed and sat up straight. The thing was I couldn't sleep. It's not because of Ms.Higgins class or anything, I could care less anymore. But it's Marcel. His room light is so bright and he usually doesn't turn it off till two in the morning. I'm sure whatever it is hes doing can wait! Seriously.

"My new neighbors been keeping me up."

"Oh you mean the new kid?"


"What is his room light to bright or something?"


Taylor finished up the last bit of salad on her tray and pushed it aside.

"Tell him to turn it off then."

"That's a little rude don't you think?"

She rolled her eyes while she touched up her teeth. Talk about conceited .

"Look that's the only way you'll actually get some sleep. If you won't tell him I will!" she slammed her makeup mirror close as she turned to face me.

"Taylor I-"

"Look here he comes now. Hey new boy." Sure enough Marcel was walking towards are table till he stopped when Taylor called his name. Why did I have to open my mouth?

"My names Marcel."

"I don't really care."

Taylor got up from her seat while I tried to pull her back down. She just shoved me off.

"You know my best friend right?"

"Georgia? Yeah."

"Also your neighbor. Your room light has been keeping her up. Either you stop with the late night masterbating or else."

"Taylor!" I yelled. Marcel definitely hates me. Everyone in the cafeteria must have heard because it went quiet. I looked at Marcel who looked both embarrassed and pissed. Meanwhile Taylor looked like she had just accomplished something.

"Marcel I'm-"

"Whatever." he turned around and stormed out of the lunchroom. Taylor sat back down laughing historically . If mom finds out about this I'm dead.

"Why the fuck would you say that!" I yelled into Taylor's face. She stopped her laughter and looked taken back by me.

"I did you a favor. You can actually get some sleep."

I didn't even say anything back to her. I grabbed my belongings and walked off to my next class. I'll have to think of someway to apologize to Marcel later.

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