Chapter 11

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"A miracle! here's our own hands against our hearts."

                                                         -Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing


"How do I look?" Trissa turned from the full-length mirror for Hope's inspection. "Is the dress okay?"

"It's perfect. Can you help me with my hair? It's not cooperating." Hope handed her hairbrush to Trissa and sat at the vanity expectantly.

Trissa smiled and began brushing her cousin's glossy black hair. "I think you should leave it loose, with maybe just the front layers caught back with a clip." She demonstrated, giving the two long, front layers a fun twist before securing them high on Hope's head with a jeweled clip. "Guys like long, flowing hair. They fantasize about seeing it spread out on their pillow. Cam will love it."

"I think you've been reading too many romance novels." Hope laughed and grabbed up the hand mirror, turning so she could see the back of her head. "But it looks great. Thanks. So, why are you wearing your hair up?"

"I don't have anyone to impress." Trissa turned to grab her shawl and her heavy jacket. "I wish it wasn't so cold out. This jacket ruins the look of my dress!"

"First world problems, babe." Hope laughed and grabbed her own jacket. "Don't forget to text me before the coronation. I want to be there when Cam gives his speech."

"I won't, don't worry." Trissa had ferreted the plan out of her uncle after she told him Hope was coming home in time for the dance. They'd worked together on the final details to insure Hope's smooth return to school. She was keeping her fingers crossed all would work out according to plan. It was so hard to tell when dealing with real, live people; they were so darned unpredictable! "We need to get going so you have time to get to Uncle Leon's office before someone sees you."

She didn't relax until Hope was safely ensconced in her father's office, waiting for Trissa to text her when the coronation ceremony began. Their high school tradition was for the homecoming court to be presented at the football game, but the announcement of king and queen was held until the night of the dance. A year ago she would have been wild with excitement at the possibility of becoming homecoming queen, especially when Ben was also in the running for king. Tonight, it was nothing but one more high school ritual to get through. She was so ready to be done with all this and get on with her life.

She spent the first hour of the dance manning the punch table—she was becoming an expert-- glad to give her fellow cheer leaders a break so they could dance with their boyfriends. She tried to convince herself she wasn't anxiously watching the door for Ben's arrival, but she was aware the instant he walked in, looking incredibly handsome in his dark gray suit. She'd always loved that dark teal tie. He didn't appear to have brought a date and she wished that didn't make her happy. She'd nearly launched herself across the gym and scratched Amber's eyes out at the dance earlier in the year, something she wasn't terribly proud of.

"Stop staring. Unless you want him to know you're still hot for him."

"Shut up, Meg!" She could feel her face heat and bent to straighten the stack of cocktail napkins.

"Well, I've definitely found the two most beautiful girls at this dance, but I have no idea why they're hiding behind the refreshment table." Peter helped himself to a cup of punch and winked at Trissa.

"Well, I don't know about Meg, but I've been waiting for a handsome football player to ask me to dance." She'd always liked Peter and never felt awkward around him, even after she broke up with his best friend. He had a way about him, which was charming and approachable, yet also a little bit vulnerable.

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