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"Are you sure you want to do this?" My mother questioned for the billionth time.

"Yes, Mommy. I'll be fine. I want to help," I reassured her even though she didn't seem convinced, but I had to do this. I could save people. I could be the super hero in the comics. I'll put all the bad guys away and I'll save the world.

My mother kneeled down, so we were eye to eye. She was so tall, but everyone was taller than me-even the other kids and my best friend, Ryder. When we were in the playground, he would always make fun of my size, calling me Munchkin. I always told him how I hated the name, but secretly I loved when he called me it. No one else could ever call me Munchkin; he punched a kid on the swing set for calling me his special nickname.

"Okay sweetie. I'll be right outside. Just come right back here, I'll be waiting."

She hugged me, smelling of apples and honey. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, which I immediately wiped off. Gross, cooties, I thought.

She opened the door for me, waving silently and giving me courage. I took a deep breath and walked in.

My boots squeaked on the tile floor of the Wikkicha Police Station. I made my way up to the desk, the lady watching me with an amusing smile. I couldn't even reach the top counter and grabbed a chair from the waiting area and came back to stand on it. I wanted to say what I had face to face. I may have been eight, but this was no child-like manner. I wanted them to treat me with all seriousness.

Which is really hard to do when you're standing on a chair with a light pink dress and a bow in your hair. My mom wanted me to be presentable, and she said that I looked cute. I berated her on the fact that I needed to be taken seriously, not looking like I was going to win a beauty pageant, but she insisted. I could tell that it calmed her nerves for some odd reason.

I, on the other hand, was nervous for a completely different reason. I didn't tell anybody about my ability, not even Ryder, and he was my bestest friend in the whole world. I told him everything. And there I was, about to tell a stranger what I can do. I was nervous that they won't believe me and that I won't get to be a superhero like I want to, but I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

My hazel eyes immediately met with brown eyes. I tried not to look within; I still had trouble when doing it with my ability, but I was getting better. I didn't want to pry into the soul of a stranger; she didn't deserve it and it wasn't my business to know her life.

"Why hello. What can I do for you?" she spoke with a softness in her voice and a gentle smile, I automatically knew I liked her. She had dark skin, the color of mocha and curly hair pulled back into a low ponytail, and she had a few wrinkles, the stress of police force slowly consuming her, but all the while she was very pleasant. She seemed to be in her mid forties, but I didn't want to assume, but she was pretty, like Mommy.

"Can I speak to your Captain please?" I thought that was the highest rank in the police station;I didn't really know besides sneaking in the living room while my mother watched Law and Order.

"He's very busy right now. May I ask why?" she was skeptical,  but at least she was polite.

"I'm sorry,  but it's a secret. I don't want anybody else to know," I chirped. I brought my hands behind my back, slowly swaying and giving her my best cute smile. Mommy always told me to smile. It helped people open up without my ability, and I wanted to try.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but he's in a meeting. I can't allow a kid to go back without a reason," she kindly stated.

I bit my lip and contemplated my options. I didn't want to panic or cry even though I felt like it. But every superhero had their ups and downs; she could recover from this one.

"Well it was nice meeting you Ms.--" I looked at her nametag, "Dobbs."

I offered my hand, and she gladly took it. As soon as my hand made contact with hers, I felt the connection. My pupils dilated, and I felt her energy. I heard her thoughts, saw her memories, felt her emotions-I sensed everything.

My hand still in hers, I responded, "Melody Dobbs. Born August 2nd, 1973. Age 43, married to Daniel Dobbs, age 47. One kid age 12, Michael. Favorite color, purple. You're double jointed on your left thumb. Favorite memory, the day your son was born in Wikkicha Memorial Hospital. You almost died from loss of blood that night. You joined the force after you witnessed a man get shot in front of your home; he was your father on his way home from work. It was your birthday. Your decease date is-"

"Stop!" she exclaimed. I instantly let go of her hand with it slightly shaking. Everyone of her coworkers looked at her oddly, wondering why she was yelling at a kid, but I smiled, letting them know I was alright. They reluctantly turned their attention back to their work.

Ms. Dobbs leaned in slightly. I copied her actions. She hastily whispered, "How do you know all that?"

She eyed me suspiciously. I just shrugged.

"Look, I don't know how you know all that stuff , but I suggest you--"

I cut her off. "I'm sorry to scare you,Ms. Dobbs, and I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to help. I can help catch bad guys. I can tell when they lie-what they're deepest secrets are. I don't want anymore bad guys to come after people like the ones that came after my brother."

She slightly softened her look and sighed. "Alright, I'll take you to him, but there are no promises of what he'll do, okay?"

I eagerly nodded and jumped off the chair, following her around the halls of the station.

It was big. There were file cabinets everywhere and desks with many people taking calls or looking at files and papers. They all seemed to be doing something, being busy.

I wanted to be busy, fighting the bad guys. I looked around, in awe of the place before noticing that Ms. Dobbs had walked a bit ahead, stopping at a room and motioning me to come forward.

I ran as fast as my little legs could, and she knocked softly at the door that said Captain Levy, with a black plaque writing the simple letters.

Shortly after, we both heard a gruff voice yell, "Come in." And we did.

"Dobbs, you know I can't be bothered right now. There's a case-"

"In Augusta that might need back up for the murder of four innocent teenagers," I finished.

The man looked shocked as I stepped away from Ms. Dobbs. He seemed to be really tall, or maybe I was just short. He had icy blue eyes that I knew had seen too much in one lifetime. He had gray white-ish hair and a small mustache that I really should convince him to shave. He wore a white shirt and a red tie. He seemed bulky, which was probably meant terrorize the enemy, but to me, he was like a big teddy bear that I just wanted to hug.

"How do you know that?" he narrowed his eyes slightly. He was trying to intimidate me, but I wouldn't back down. Be brave like the heroes, I told myself.

"Sir, I think you really have to listen to what she has to say," Ms. Dobbs said. I looked up at her and smiled. She grinned back.

He contemplated on it for a few moments but simply nodded. I took a deep breath like I always do and asked for his hand. He gave it to me, giving me a quizzical look, but I ignored it and closed my eyes.

As soon as I felt the connection, I opened them.

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