Chapter 2

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Michaela was laying on her couch head down with her feet up on the headrest. even upside down her apartment didn't look like much. she had a small couch fit for two, three at tops but since she was kind of short she could still lay down straight on it if she wanted to her it was absolutely perfect. she had a bookshelf filled with books and magazines in all kinds of languages, well three at least, Swedish English and Korean. she had a small TV on the wall across the couch, beneath it was a DVD player, a PS3 and a sound system.

in the corner of the living room she had a small desk barely a meter wide with a sewing machine on it and next to it two baskets, one with all kinds of colourful fabrics and one with different kinds of threads and yarns and other necessities for owning a sewing machine.

she had covered her walls with drawings and sketches on designs in which also covered most of the floor, coloring books, notebooks, pens and liners strewn across the floors. these colorful designs and sketches she knew didn't cover only the floor and walls of the living room they also continued like a track out and into her bedroom.

A room in which she had turned into a dreamland of childhood. she had a queen sized mattress on the floor, her bedroom was very small so it was just exactly that the mattress could fit in so the head of the mattress was against a wall as the bottom was as well. she had filled this mattress with sheets blankets and pillows which made up quite a mess looking almost like the kind of fortresses you'd make as a child. Above the bed was a big window she had covered with a blanket closing out all the light. In her bedroom it  was always very dark, she never got a lamp for the ceiling in there so the only thing lighting up the room was a desk lamp on the floor in the corner of the room. but sometimes she liked to sit in there on the floor drawing and sketching, she got her best dark and Gothic ideas and inspiration in the darkness of her bedroom.

as she was thinking of what her bedroom looked like a new song started playing from the loud sound-system connected to her phone and BIGBANG'S BAD BOY started playing through the speakers filling the room and G-Dragons intro started playing in her ears. She couldn't help but let a smile curl on her lips as she flipped off the couch, made a few dance moves in grove to the music as she made her way out to her miniature kitchen.

she knew how to cook but it didn't really interest her so that the kitchen was so small she could barely walk in it didn't really matter to her, she had a fridge, a stove. an oven and a small space to cut up things. it was enough. if you continued through the kitchen you could get to the small space in which her kitchen table had been crammed into right next to a window, as she entered the kitchen she glanced out towards it, it was as if the table and three chairs had their own little private room in the apartment. She had four chairs at first but one of the chairs broke for, let's say, a very mysterious and absolutely unknown reason. 

she got an apple from the desk in the kitchen and stopped for a moment in the hallway. where she was standing right now she could see all of the rooms in her apartment. she was standing about a meter in front of the front-door just to her left was the entrance to the kitchen she just exited, just to the right of her front door was her small bathroom and just opposite of the bathroom was her bedroom looking like a dark hole from where she was standing no light coming out of it. and just in front of her was her living room. bright with all kinds of colour giving the illusion of it almost being rainbow coloured thanks to all of the sketches and drawings covering all of the walls and floors. her apartment may be small but she found it really cozy and bright. at the wall at the far end of the living room were two big windows letting the afternoon sun stream in and fill the room with light.

she really liked the contrast it gave to her extraordinary dark bedroom right next to it and she couldn't help but get a paper and sat down right where she was standing starting to doodle down a light summer dress with a slight edge in the design of contrast in black and white.

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