Chapter 5

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"The white Queen informed us that you are the one the white King has been waiting for!" The mouse jumped up and down in excitement.

"The White King?" I asked all curiosity replaced by irritation.

"Yes! We told our lady about your arrival and she confirmed that you are the one who will help us save the white kingdom!" The mouse cheered loud enough for just our ears.

"This is about the fourth time someone has mentioned this White King waiting for me. Who the hell is he?" My irritation now obvious.

"He is the heir to the White kingdom and the one who will save us from the Red Queen's reign." The wolf explained the obvious, taken aback by my reaction.

"Why didn't he just come and get me, does he even know I'm here?"

"The Red Queen believes him to be dead and we will keep it that way." The wolf and mouse glared at me.

"Well what am I suppose to do then? I don't exactly know where he is." I huffed taking a seat on the bed.

Julian and Kitty were under the covers of the bed falling asleep.

"We have to sneak away and get to him, the Queen will try to keep you here or escort you to places and we can't have that." The mouse informed as she began to pace.

"I'd like to meet this White Queen."

"She's in the dungeon. There's no way the Red Queen would let you down there!" The mouse squeaked.

"Unless you can coax her into letting you see her." The wolf smirked.

"Madam Trisha, the Queen requests your and your heir's presence in the dinning room.

I quickly ushered the two animals into the bathroom closing the door behind them before rushing to open the room door. In the hallway stood a butler in a red tail jacket, with a red diamond symbol embedded in the white patch that sat on his breast pocket. His pants were white tights stuffed in a pair of black leather boots. He looked around my age maybe a little older.

"Oh, is it dinner time already?" I said before turning to the bed where Julian slept.

"No ma'am, she wants a to have a little chat before dinner." He replied from the hall.

"Oh, alright then." I picked Julian up holding most of his weight on my left forearm.

Once Kitty draped herself over my free shoulder I followed the butler. The halls seemed to go on forever. The top two-thirds of the walls were an intimate red while the bottom third was black with white and red designs along them. We finally came to a set of late double doors where two card men stood guard. On cue they opened the doors revealing the throne room.

The floor was covered in black and white tile with a red runway carpet that led from the doors all the way up the three stairs to the throne. Seats were set up on either side of the runway facing each other.

"Lovely," The Queen smiled, showing large pearly teeth, at our arrival. "Come, take a seat by me."

She patted a cushioned bench next to her. The legs of the bench were colored gold and held the shapes of monkeys, one on each end holding up the red cushion. I took a seat and adjusted Julian so we were both comfortable.

"Thank you for allowing me in to your home." I smiled lightly as I looked over the large woman.

"It's no fuss dear, there's something I like about you and I just had to have you stay a while." The Queen smiled back.

"Oh, well thank you, your highness." Her smile made me uncomfortable.

"Now darling, where is this child's father, don't tell me you had him out of wedlock?" Curiosity crossed her plump features.

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