Life Is Too Short

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"Jaehwa, oh my god, is everything ok? You never responded to my texts" Yoongi exclaimed when I arrived at the store the next morning; a smile was evident on my face, a large contrast from how I was just 24 hours earlier.

"Everything is perfect" I skipped over and pinched his pale cheeks, leaving him looking absolutely bewildered.

"Did you finally break up with Gunwoo? That's the only reason you should be feeling so light and happy" Even Yoongi's negative anti-Gunwoo attitude wasn't enough to ruin my good mood.

"Ah Yoongi, I should think you being in love and all would make you have a more optimistic attitude towards relationships" He scowled at me; he looked so cute I just had to pinch his cheeks again.

"Yah, Jaehwa" He whined as he whacked my hand away.

We had a new shipment come in and I was kept busy with sorting and shelving the books in the right order. The work was mundane but I always enjoyed flicking through the pages, feeling the weight of the hardback covers. The tiny bell that was set up above the door tinkled, signaling that a customer had arrived.

"Jaehwa, do you mind?" Yoongi called to me, loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough that the customer at the front of the store didn't.

"Sure" As if he ever dealt with customers; Yoongi wasn't really a people's person so I was always the one to talk and help anyone who entered the store.

"Welcome, how may I he-" I trailed off as I took in the familiar eye smile and plump lips.

"Hello Jaehwa" Jimin continued smiling as he took in his surroundings. "So this is where you work? It's very...cozy". He unzipped his blue hoodie, revealing a shirt with the words 'fuck bitches, get money' printed across it in English. I let out a little giggle; fully aware that he probably didn't realize what the words meant. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, giving me a questioning look.

"I like your shirt" I tried to stifle my giggles but I ended up sounding like a dying whale.

"Thanks, my parents got it for me when they were over in America" He was still looking at me curiously and I composed myself, not wanting to seem weird to my new friend...if I could even really call him that yet.

"So, um, how did you know I work here?"

"I've seen you come in here a couple times so I just guessed it was because you worked here" He was slowly walking around the store, checking it out.

"I could just be a major bookworm" I trailed after him, watching, as he would take a book off the shelf, examine it then put it back.

"Yeah but I've also seen you leave here quite late" He was making his up and down the aisles of book filled shelves.

"What are you? Some kind of stalker? You know where I live and you've seen me go to and leave work, next thing you'll be telling me you've seen me out at my parents house" He stopped walking so suddenly, I almost ran straight into his back.

"I'm hardly a stalker, I'm just very observant" He said as he turned around to face me. He stepped forward until our faces were inches apart, causing me to stumble back and almost knock down a row of books. My heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird and I felt frozen to the spot.

"There's someone I want you to meet" He stayed in place, smiling at me with his eyes.

"Huh?" His words pulled me out of my flustered state.

"There's someone I really want to introduce you to" He finally leaned back, giving me space to breathe. That was the last thing I had expected to hear out of his mouth, he barely knew me, who could he want me to meet?

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