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"Wake up" comes the shrill voice of Marigold our caretaker.
I roll over on my lumpy mattress and mumble "five more minutes"
"Sapphyra get up, you lazy oaf. I shall pour a bucket of icy water on you if you don't get up right now."
"Alright I'm up, I'm up." My voice still thick with sleep
I sit up and peer groggily around the room at the empty beds. Where is everyone?
"They are all downstairs and are eating breakfast" Marigold says as if she can read my mind. I stumble down the stairs and rub my face trying to make myself more awake. I sit down at the table next to my sister, Esmerelda, and pour out stale cornflakes into my chipped bowl.
"You look like you haven't slept a bit" Esmerelda jokes.
"Thanks" I reply.
People rise up from the table and carry their empty cereal bowls to the sink to be washed later by some unfortunate person who happened to be nearby. Esmerelda gets up as well.
"Meet you outside" she exclaims and doesn't give me a chance a to reply. I chuckle to myself and quickly finish eating my cornflakes. Esmerelda is outside throwing a deflated and mud stained ball backwards and forwards to a girl called Rebeka. I can tell she doesn't like me much and I feel the same about her. She's too much of a show off though she's not very popular around the orphanage. Rebeka throws the ball to me but I am too busy daydreaming, the ball bounces off my head and rolls off into a nearby bush. It didn't hurt too much but I was annoyed because she was laughing.
"Sorry" she says between loud giggles, but she certainly wasn't.
"Are you okay?" Esmerelda asks, she's laughing as well but not as crazily as Rebeka.
I don't answer but walk back inside. Esmerelda walks over to the bush and crouches down to get the ball but she shrieks and jumps back.
"Eww there's cow poop over here" she cries and then doubles over laughing
Rebeka bounds over to see and starts cackling again.
"You have to get the ball" she says.
"No! You threw it." Esmerelda replies.
I can hear them still joke arguing when I reached the building. Ugh I can't stand it, Rebeka arrived a few weeks ago and she's acting like she's known Esmerelda her whole life and I never get to talk to my own sister with her hovering nearby ready to whisk her away.
"Sapphyra!" Jojo, another caretaker, jogs over to me "could you help on the washing up"
I jump from her sudden appearance
"Um.. I was just go-" I start
Jojo grabs my arm and drags me off to the kitchen and that's how I spent half my morning. When I had finally finished washing up I walk upstairs to the cramped room. Ruby, Tiffany and Jenna were in the room gossiping and they quickly stopped when they heard the creaky floorboard.
"Oh hi Sapphyra it's just you. We thought you were Marigold or Jojo or Dana." Jenna says
I wouldn't say I was the most popular kid here but no one hated me and I had no enemies except maybe Rebeka. I join them on the floor.
"So what are you guys talking about" I ask.
"Promise you won't tell?" Tiffany says timidly
"I promise." I say
"You know that new girl Rebeka, apparently she wet the bed this morning." Ruby exclaims.
We all start laughing but quickly stop when Dana pops her head around the door frame
"Shouldn't you kiddos be outside enjoying the weather" she says.
Jenna, Ruby and Tiffany get up but I stay sitting.
"Come on you too, Sapphyra." Dana urges.
"Been out there already." I explain
"Alright then" Dana says
"Aw come on, Sapphyra." Jenna says.
"I want to stay inside and draw." I say
"Oh, ok"
They all leave and I get started on my drawing. I love drawing birds, especially hummingbirds. I sketch the outline of the small bird which I finish reasonably quickly. I take out my colouring pencils and start drawing vibrant feathers. Around half an hour later Esmerelda comes through the door.
"Wow" she exclaims "you really have a talent for drawing."
"Thanks" I reply.
Half a second later Rebeka walks in and stares at my drawing.
"That looks good, but I can do that as well" She says snootily. "Let's go to my room downstairs, Esmerelda."
"I'll be there soon, I want to talk to Sapphyra." Esmerelda replies.
"Fine" Rebeka retorts and stomps down stairs.
Esmerelda lets out a breath and it sounds like a sigh of relief.
"How do you stand her?" I ask
"I don't know, I can't stand her but Marigold told me to make her feel welcome so I'm stuck with her." She laughs
"Lunch is ready!" Jojo shouts from the kitchen
Esmerelda and I both get up and make our way down the creaky stairs. Esmerelda sits down next to Tiffany and I make my way to sit next to her but Rebeka barges into me and steals the spot. I can see her smirking at me, looking pleased with herself. I sit next to Jenna shooting evils at Rebeka.
"You should of come with me when I told you to!" Rebeka exclaims angrily to Esmerelda
"Don't worry" Ruby whispers to me, noticing Rebeka had took my seat "at least you didn't wet the bed."
That certainly cheered me up and we started laughing again. Lunch was lumpy half melted cheese with slightly overdue bread, not exactly a 5 star meal but it never is.

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