Chapter IV Huntresses

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The morning's waking was a pleasant one. My eyes fluttered open to find my form still clasped in the arms of my Goddess. I had gone brave last night when I had cuddled closer during the hours of darkness, and the smooth lines of my young and not well-developed figure were pressed tightly against the more pronounced curves of the Goddess' body.

"Good morning, slept well?" Lady Artemis asked.

I shivered as she whispered. Her hot breath on my skin sent sensations of wonder through me. I wanted us to stay like this for more but a quick glance up at the sky told the Goddess that it was getting late.

"Get up," she said shortly. "You can wash with me this morning. Bring your clothes."

Obeying her orders, I followed after her. It didn't take us hours for her to find a brook. Although it was early summer, the stream that flowed through the forest was cold. Artemis spied around for any travelers before she faced the sparkling blue water nearby. Her back remained to me and I could not see what she was doing but her arms were bent at the elbows as if she was hugging herself.

Unsure of what action I should take, I sat still and waited for her to provide some clue as to how I should respond. A rush of conflicting ideas that bombarded my mind, with a shrug of her shoulders the simple dress dropped to the ground pooling at her feet, leaving her naked. The sun's rays outlined her form in all its' perfection leaving nothing to the imagination.

My breath caught in my throat for a moment. I hesitated on the bank, shivering, my arms wrapped around myself.

The Goddess spun back towards me and with a laugh as she extended an arm towards me. "Come."

I reached for her outstretched hand and allowed her to assist me to the edge. She urged haste, speaking with conviction. "Hurry and be done with that garment. The water beckons."

On quick little feet, she danced away and ran to the water. The shout to be wary of rocks died on my lips as I watched her arch through the sunlight and splash from sight. I held my breath in panic for I had no idea if she could swim underwater but she burst through the surface and flung her sodden hair back over her head.

"Callisto you must hurry. It is pure magic," she shouted in triumph.

I shimmied out of my chemise. The heat of the sun rippled along my skin and the whisper of a breeze ran along my bare legs. I felt a wildness come into me with the joy being unencumbered by convention. Laughing with abandon I skipped to the river bank and waded in splashing like a child and joined her wading out into the water quickly.

Although quite bashful for I was not well endowed in areas like her, I knew she would not judge me. An unmistakeable feeling that one of her hands clutched mine and I moaned as if it the merest touch of her skin would be my salvation.

I could not take my eyes away from her as she stood waist deep and swaying with the slow current. The water parted around her pulling her hair as it meandered downstream. I could hardly breathe I was so stricken by her beauty. Her face was watchful but she did not speak. For all intents and purposes, I was aware that she was as real as I was but vision before me seemed surreal.

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