Chapter 3 - The Reception from Hell

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The man introduced himself as George Patterson as he led us to the sitting room. Waiting there was a nervous waif of a woman, who was introduced to us as his wife, Isabella.

There were two impressions which struck me in relation to the interior of the house. The first was how immaculately tidy it was. The second was a sense of unease about the whole building. It was as though the very fabric of the house were holding its breath, waiting nervously for some calamity which it knew was going to happen at any minute. The feeling of dread was palpable, so that within just a few minutes of being inside I felt myself becoming more and more on edge, the palpable despair crushing me down, eroding any sense of confidence or happiness.

"So tell me what you know about our predicament and how you came by that information," said Mister Patterson, gesturing for us all to sit, but not offering us any form of refreshments.

N'yotsu sat back in his chair. "I cannot tell you how I know. I am afraid I have suffered a recent incident which means that I am suffering some form of amnesia. I do, however, know that you are in danger."

"You keep saying that. What exactly do you mean?"

"I was attacked by a creature which I believe is the same one which is responsible for the issues affecting your daughter."

"I am curious, sir," said Mister Patterson, exchanging a glance with his wife. "What exactly do you believe is affecting our daughter?"

"For some time now she has been distracted, acting differently to her usual self. She will often appear to be listening to or speaking with others, when there is patently no-one else there. Strange things happen around her, such as forms materialising out of thin air and objects moving violently around the room. If you were of a certain persuasion, you would consider her to be possessed by evil spirits. Which I am afraid is actually what is happening."

Mrs Patterson stared at him, tears running down her cheeks. "Who have you been speaking to?" she asked. Dear God, I thought. There is actually some truth to what N'yotsu is saying!

"I do not know why I know these things," said N'yotsu. "But I do know that I can help you."

"How?" asked Mister Patterson.

For the first time I saw N'yotsu waver, uncertain. Before he could answer there was a loud bang from somewhere in the house. Our two hosts exchanged glances.

A few moments later the door to the sitting room opened and a little girl entered the room. She stared at us each in turn, pale round eyes in a pale round face showing neither fear nor care at these three strange men in her house. She was wearing a nightdress and clutching a doll whose blonde hair mirrored her own.

"Milly," said Mister Patterson with forced jollity. "Come and meet our visitors."

She stared at us but did not speak or indeed move from her position by the doorway. Mister Patterson smiled at us apologetically while his wife simply sat and wrung her hands.

N'yotsu stood and walked over to the girl, squatting down and peering at her. "Interesting," he muttered. She flinched, taking a step backward, opening her mouth as if to scream.

"Don't cry," I found myself saying. "We're here to help you."

She looked at me with those dull eyes. I opened my mouth to say more but before I could do so there was another bang from upstairs. We jumped in shock, while Milly remained as still as the doll in her hands.

"Your butler is very noisy," I observed with a nervous grin.

Mister Patterson exchanged another glance with his wife.

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