05 // boyfriends

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(I feel like the cast of girl code except this is Tall Girl Code.)

 Let's get serious for a second.

I really needed to talk about this subject.

When it comes to boyfriends all us Tall Girls look at their height first, then their attractiveness, last their personality. I mean, we all do it but maybe not in that order.

It's really hard to look for one when all the TALL CUTE guys are taken. 

Most of the time, they could be tall but ugly. 

They could be cute but short. 

They could be both, if so GRAB HIM AND DO NOT LET GO!

Sometimes we just need to accept the fact that we might be forever alone


We will find someone, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but:


Just don't stop looking OK!? Promise to me that you won't stop and you'll find someone. 

If you ever need to vent about being short or tall, inbox me :) 

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