00 // introduction

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Who has every had someone ask them one of the following questions:

"How tall are you?"

"Are your parents tall?"

"Do you play basketball?"

"Haven't you ever thought about becoming a model?"

"Can you reach that for me?"

"Could you scoot down a little?"

Any of those questions have came out someone's mouth, you have Tᴀʟʟ Gɪʀʟ Pʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍs.

I mean, even I have them. The curse of being the tallest girl in the family really has its disadvantages. Especially when someone asks you to get them something on the bottom shelf and they're closer to the ground than you are. It irritates my buns. 

Especially when short girls complain about being short, like, I would LOVE AND KILL to be your height right at this moment. Just be glad that your at AVERAGE height, cause there are other girls in the world who are as tall as Big Foot. 

Okay, if your wondering my height it's 5'8".

Your probably thinking "OMG she wouldn't understand! I'm taller than her" but, even if you are we have the same problems. I'm the tallest girl in my school and in my family. Everybody else is short and then there's me. Standing there all awkward and stuff. 

I guess being tall has its advantages but right now, I can't think of any. 

To be honest, I got my growth spurt when I was in kindergarten. Do you know how it feels to be the tallest girl in the class when your 6? I got picked on cause I could reach the highest shelf. I also got picked on because I was always in the back. No matter what event, the teachers were always like "Delilah, go in the back." 

Oh, and the names they called me were so original. Note the sarcasm.

"Big Foot."


"Oak Tree."

"Daddy Long Legs."


"Queen Kong." I had to admit that one was a little funny.

Okay, I probably didn't list all of the names but these where the ones I thought of first so yea. 

This is all I have to say so until next time. 

I guess...

Tall Girl ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now