In an innocents name

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A single strip of moonlight flooded through the woods. Tanya's dark blue cloak shifted uneasily in the still breeze,her hair softly carresing her face. If anything sees me now....Tanya thought.  Alone,surrounded by complete and utter darkness, Tanya's emerald green eyes glittered dangerously as she surveyed the scene around her. The dark tangle of trees cast eerie shadows,their roots created a murderous path for those pursuing. Innocently, a large silver full moon cast it's light on the murky woods and in this light,in the heart of the deep dangerous woods,Tanya waited impatiently.Nobody could forget her subtle green eyes that glowed menacingly into the darkness or the soft curls of her auborn hair as they wafted lazily in the wind. Neither could they forget her wan, waxen cheeks that held her high cheekbones delicatly in place. No, Tanya Hunter was a Ryder you could not forget in a hurry.  Cautiously Tanya held her bow to her side and casually fingered the elk-horn knife hidden deep within the folds of her cloak. Craftily, Tanya took a small step into the unknown,holding her bow at the ready. Where is he? He should be here by now.Where is he? And suddenly a flash off light poured into her eyes, making them glow irridescent.

Startled, Tanya shrieked quitely, in front of her was a tree twisted,tall and exceptionally disfigurued or so it seemed. Unintentionally, Jace's position threw an elongated and sinister shadow and this was what had terrified Tanya. He was leaning against a tree,arms folded with impatience. Ever since Tanya had known him, Jace still looked like Jace. Long,blonde hair fell into his burning blue eyes, his skeletal face gave the impression he'd met death himself and he had. Tanya had the greatest respect for Jace. 

"You know Tanya, you really shouldn't keep me waiting. Time isn't something I have these days. Life isn't what it used to be anymore-the innocent are only just realising that-it's a pity they're too late. Fortunatly for us, we already have a place to hide. Because we listened and they didn't. They'll pay" Jace laughed maliciously,licking his lips hungrily.

"You know Jace, I really shouldn't keep you wating but the temptation was too much. Time is something I do have these days. Are you really going to help the inncoent?" Tanya replied sarcastically, her voice reeking with decay.

"Who else will help them,Tanya if we do not? The elders have forbade us to do otherwise. And plus, you were never really that cold before now."

"Before now, I had time" she snapped "Why must I help those who do not wish to listen? They never learn and never will."

"That's not the point"

"Then tell me what is"

Fiercely, the two sets of hostile eyes glowered at one another. The two predators circled viciously,Tanya felt alive with power and with the sense of knowing she was right. The inncoent couldn't be helped this time. Knowing he was wrong, Jace still held her gaze steadily.Tanya flinched. Jace was older and more powerful with more experience but this time she was not afraid to challange him. She was right and he was wrong.

"Jace, the world we live in is destroyed. Ruined. And yet the elders are still commanding us to help the innocent. There is nothing we can do for them." Tanya sighed grievously "Our world is changing. It's becoming unknown even to the elders. We've been rendered helpless and that's exactly what we are. I don't know how we can help them now"

"What do they have apart from us? The sceptres are closing in and their reeking,foul masters. To forget as well the cold ones." Jace shuddered and the darkness became a part of his face. Sorrowfully, Jace closed his eyes and bowed his head. Tanya shook her head in disgust.

"To think you,Jace, have become so weak! To hear you feel their loss! Save yourself and forget about them! You who met death himself,who was so couragious! Who are you now? I can't belive this!" Tanya cried infuriatedly.

Jace's glanced at Tanya's face,desperatly searching for a sign of compassion. He found none.Tanya had changed,become stronger,more self-asserted,she listened to her instincts and it was these instincts,Jace found,that would help her survive.Was there no help for lost souls like him? Because he was lost now and more profoundly than ever. He'd always thought himself as formidable but his courage had all gone. Was lost.No hope. Steadily, Tanya gazed at Jace's face.He's changed,become so weak.Impossible. As she scrutinized,she couldn't help but admit that this wan't Jace. From years ago, Tanya could still remeber his flawless ability to crush one's soul in a single move,could still remember how Jace held his sword in such a flattering position that could crush one's hope immediatly.The numerous times he'd pulverized her confidence. But now it was all gone and she,Tanya Hunter,was stronger than he was.

"Have I changed,Tanya? Am I not myself?" Jace questioned her and held his breathe. Reluctantly he knew the answer before she said it.

"Yes. I don't know who you are anymore.You don't know who you are anymore. Remember,how you never said you'd become an inncocent? Weak,vulnerable,spineless.Look  at you." Bewildered that she'd ever say that,Tanya couldn't help but look away. She couldn't meet his gaze.

"I know.I've often thought it myself."

"Just when the world is about to collapse,to be given to the cold ones here you are telling me I now have no-one to turn to.You don't even look bothered to know how weak you are."

"Give it up Tanya,I know who I am.You wanted to see me and here I stand.What do you want?"Jace replied coldly,sullenly like a small inncoent thought Tanya.

He doesn't like the way I know what he's become. If the elders see him like this,surely they'll kick him out of the council. Calm,Tanya,keep calm. I need that cloak.

"Jace,look I'm not here to fight.I need something urgently. I've never aked for anything before and I'm hoping you'll see the light Jace."

Jace gasped in shock and wonder,and glared maleficantly at Tanya.

"How dare you!" he cried outraged."How dare you ask to borrow what is and always will be what is rightfully mine!! You've always been jelous Tanya and now you've not changed!" he roard furiously.

Throughout his tirade Tanya hadn't bettered an eyelash.Hadn't lowered her gaze like she might have done once. And Jace had noticed.She was stronger,wilder and she wanted something.And when she wanted something......

Jace took a deep,rasping breathe, "Tanya,you will not take what is mine! Mine! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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