Chapter 1 (Chloe's P.O.V.)

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Hey guys! I've decided to post the first chapter anyway, even though I didn't get a lot of comments. Enjoy! And seriously, please leave a comment telling me whether or not I should continue writing! So thanks, leave a comment, and enjoy! :D


Chapter 1 (Chloe's P.O.V.)

"Chloe! Chloe! Seriously, wake up!" Rosie screams. She shakes my shoulder. "Get up sleepyhead! You still have to pack! We're leaving in two hours!"

I silently groan, and try to open my eyes. "Can someone please close the blinds? The light is absolutely killing my eyes!" I roll around in my lime green sleeping bag and cover my head with my pillow. I can hear the girls giggling silently at my attempt to ignore Rosie.

Rosie is not easily ignored. She tries her best to get things her way. But don't get me wrong, she's not bossy, nor is she spoiled. She just makes a great leader. People often ask her for her help to get things done. She's amazing at putting her mind to something and when she does, she excels.

"Chloe. Get up now. I'm dead serious. We have to leave in two hours! And like Rosie said, you have to pack! You can't show up at Moonlit Lake with no other clothes than the ones that you'll be wearing!"

That's Emma, the voice of reason. She will always argue with you until you do what you're supposed to. Of course, she's only like that to her closest friends. To anyone else, she's just a pretty face with a big heart. I've known Emma since I was 5, therefore, I know her really well. And I know that her speaking her mind is all just an act. Yes, she does have a backbone, but she's really sweet at times as well. In fact, I know that she's going to be a great lawyer when she's older.

"Don't make me come over there," Emma warns me.

"Chill yourself, I'm up now!" I say. I take the pillow from over my head and throw it at her. It misses her by about five centimetres and ends up hitting the wall instead.

Rosie, Angie, Mikayla and Emma laugh.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Mikayla jokes.

Mikayla can make a joke out of anything. She has the best sense of humor. She's totally the jokester of us five. If you have a frown on your face, she'll cheer you up instantly with her witty remarks and hilarious jokes that she makes up on the spot. Not only that, but Mikayla is amazing at pranks as well. As a matter of fact, I met Mikayla in grade 5, when she put a whoopie cusion on my chair in the middle of class. Once I figured out that it was her who put it on my chair (wasn't that hard because I wasn't her first prank victim), I confronted her immediately. But after talking to her for a few minutes, I just couldn't stay mad at her. She was far too funny. We became friends instantly.

"Tick tock!" Angie says from beside me.

Angie is a very unique person. With bright red hair, you'd think that Angie would be outgoing and not afraid of anything or anyone. But you'd be wrong. Even though she looks like someone really energetic, in reality, she's actually really shy. Well, that is, until she's gets warmed up to her surroundings. Like around us, she's just as out-going as we are! I'll admit it, it did take a while to become friends with Angie at first, considering the fact that she barely talked to anyone, but now that I'm best friends with her, I don't regret befriending her at all.

I groan and get out of my sleeping bag. I look around my room. Everyone but Rosie is still in their bed. Me and Angie slept on my bedroom floor in sleeping bags. Rosie and Emma slept in my queen-sized bed and Mikayla slept on my couch. Everytime they sleep over, we always sleep in these same spots.

I pull out my iPhone to check the time. 10:02 am. Angie is right. I really need to get moving if we want to get to Moonlit Lake on time. We were scheduled to leave my house at noon.

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