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"Life, how does life work? From my point of view life sucks for me and it will never get better.Why can't some people just understand the fact that i am not normal. I'm a human being but just but in a different way. Why do people judge? do they hate off of what you have or do they just want to go to hell? Me on the other hand  I'd love to go  to heaven. That place is a no drama zone just all peace.Most people save there soul to the devil but i tell them to give there soul to Jesus. He is a man of his word,A man me and you can trust,we all love that man,his name is Jesus Christ..I love him do  you love him?Well i do and i will forever love him...My point is that if you live life fairly like we are supposed to then  we live a happy life...."

"Life is more than a simple thing we live.We can make it or we can not..Sins are committed everyday,and we can't help them...."

"Drugs aren't good and some people aren't good...."

(Grins and laughs) 

"Who will be happier me or you?"

"More things are important than the things we do today..."


"But some   people can be stupid..."

(Scowls then looks at you)

"If you were here with me you will see what i see."

"What's next."



"See you next time people i'll right some more tomorrow,let's hope that I last through this night."


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