Tell Me That You Need Me

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Aliya was a very popular girl. She was loved by everyone in her year. She was a very kind and funny girl who had loads of friends. Her closest friends were 3 boys and 2 girls, there names were Alison, Miranda , Chris, James and Dominic. She loved them all so much especially Dominic who she's had a crush on for about 3 years.

After a few months things got really tough for Aliya she started losing most of her friends due to jealousy and her home life became very tough too due to her parents constantly fighting. The thing that got to her most was a girl called Holly. Holly recently joined Aliya's group of friends. Aliya hated the fact that as Holly joined the group they all started forgetting her. Aliya told her friends that she felt lonely and felt like she had been replaced but nobody seemed to care and all they said to Aliya was that she was jealous.

One day Aliya was sitting on a table with her friends she was watching them all have fun and be loud. Aliya was still friends with all of them since she couldn't live without them. As Aliya was watching them all have fun Holly goes to the bench and starts making out with Dominic. Aliya was nearly in tears so she asked Alison to come with her to the toilets. Alison was the only friend of Aliya who knew about her crush on Dominic. They both went over to the toilets and once they were there Aliya started pouring her heart out. She was so heartbroken how could she have not noticed that Holly and Dominic were in a relationship. Alison wiped Aliya's tears and gave her a hug. Aliya was feeling really light headed so she fainted. Alison informed the reception who quickly called the ambulance and her family. As she went to the hospital it turns out she was diagnosed with cancer. Only Aliya and her family knew at the time. Her family informed the school aswell and told them to keep it a secret from Aliya's friends since it was her will.

Aliya went back to school and when she went instead of the happy, funny, kind girl she was she became this depressed girl who looked weak and sad all the time. When Aliya came back to school she started to realise all her close mates have started to forget her even her bestfriend Alison. They were always with Holly who didn't really like Aliya.

In school she sat alone most of the time. She couldn't believe the fact that She went from being the happiest girl to the saddest one. Everyday after school she used to cry. She cut herself , burnt herself, stopped taking her pills she also started losing chunks of hair which meant she had to wear a wig or a beanie to school.

Her friends at school still didn't know she had cancer and that she really needed them. All she wanted to hear from them is that they love and need her. Her situation got worser and worser everyday. She went to the hospital who said she only had a month to live. This depressed her family alot they loved her so much they couldn't believe their little angel would be leaving them in a months time. Aliya was really scared infact she was frightened to be honest what teenage girl wouldn't be? Aliya still went to school and everything. It was a half day once and her group of friends asked her if she would like to come with them and have fun obviously she had to refuse since she wasn't in a very fit position to go out and have fun. Her friends were really angry at her that they decided to not speak to her. Aliya was very upset by that and she went home crying.

A few weeks later... 

It was Aliya's last week to live. She had the urge to tell her friends about how she had cancer and how she was going to die in a few days time. Aliya couldn't get herself to do it so she decided to tell them on her second last day on earth.

On the second last day Aliya went up to her friends and called them over. They all ignored her and walked straight past her. She tried so hard to call them over to her but every time they would walk straight past her and make her feel invisible. 

Since they all ignored her she decided to go home and write them all individual letters about how she would truly miss them and how she would have told them before but she never had the guts to tell them. She also told them how abandoned she felt when they left her for Holly. She told them everything about her cancer. She told them about how badly she wanted to spend her last day with them but they all ignored her. After writing all her sorrows she decided to post the letters so they would get them after school.

Aliya went home after posting the letters. She ate her breakfast when she started feeling dizzy. She felt really restless and she couldn't breathe properly. She was rushed into hospital.

There she lay on her hospital bed on her last day on earth. She was wondering if her friends have gotten their letters yet. As she was thinking about them she started feeling really dizzy again. Her eyes started closing she slowly lay down. The only people that were their in the hospital were her family. They all were full of tears. Her mum and dad were both by her side holding her hand. The rest were praying and crying. She gave everyone a kiss and had told them she loved them. She thanked them for being there for her and giving her the best time on earth. She started crying She didn't want to leave them all like this but she could feel the pain rushing down her body. She slowly closed her eyes tears rushing down her face. None of her friends were there. They didn't give their final goodbyes.

As soon as she died all her friends came rushing in the hospital. They realised they were too late. One of their bestfriend was gone forever. They all started feeling guilty how could they have not noticed something was wrong? How could they abandon her just for this new girl? They never said their final goodbyes to her. They never told her how much she meant to them. They never told her how much they loved and needed her. They started to realise how she may have felt when they ignored her and told her she was jealous of Holly. They regretted abandoning her they never realised how serious her situation would be. They left her to die... No support.. No friends.. Nothing.. 

They all crouched down into the bed and whispered... We need you Aliya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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