Chapter 2: Therapy

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*Jack's POV*
I take out my iPod a headphones from my jacket pocket and walk to my destination.

I arrive at the tall glass building I like to call Hell in about 5 minutes. I know the drill by now, get here and go straight to room 41, sit there for an hour with my therapist as they try to get me to actually talk to them.
I make my way up to room 41 expecting to see the usual decorations but to my surprise, the whole room had been redecorated... Well I have missed 2 sessions maybe Joyce got bored of how the room looked and changed it around. I make myself at home on the only thing that I recognise the brown leather couch.

A few moments later when I was deep in thought I felt a tap on my shoulder and a male voice spoke up "Mr Barakat?" I lifted my head up to see who the voice belonged to.. It was a 6 ft boy with brown hair and brown eyes and wow... I've never seen someone so perfect and adorable and...  Snap out of it Jack! He's saying something you idiot listen! "Hello, Mr Barakat. I'm you're new therapist, Alex Gask-" I cut him off "Nee therapist? Uh... I- I didn't ask for a new therapist... Where's Joyce?" His expression changes.
"Nothing happened to Joyce, she just thought you'd make better progress with someone new."  Well that hurt me in all honesty I knew exactly what it meant it's happened before "She got sick of me didn't she..." He must have been able to sense the hurt in my voice as he sits next to me and shakes his head. "No no. It's not like that Mr Barak-" I interrupted "Jack."
"Jack?" He questioned looking clueless. "It makes me uncomfortable being called Mr Barakat please just call me Jack." He nods. "Well Jack. I'm Alex and it's nice to meet you. Shall we begin?"  I hesitantly nod my head as he moves from the couch to the chair behind a large wooden desk. He's so perfect. His voice. His hair. His smile. Wow...
I shake my head in attempt to stop the thoughts he's my new therapist for gods sake Jack!  He's probably straight anyway. Even if he wasn't why would someone so perfect want someone like me...

Next chapter next Monday hopefully hope you all like this book so far. x  

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