XI. Nostalgia.

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Life is quite a scary thing. Far too many people take it for granted and that really shouldn't happen, it can very easily be ripped from underneath your feet when it is least expected. For one person, he knew just how much life should be celebrated. Harry himself had essentially cheated death twice but he had witnessed so much death. Whether that be from visiting St Mungo's or just from everything else going on.

From being subjected to so much chaos in his life, it really didn't surprise him at all anymore. Perhaps this was another reason that made him want to get in touch with the other side of his family. He knew he would have been eaten up by guilt had he not. A few more days had gone by since himself and Ginny had introduced Dudley and Felicity into their world officially and Harry couldn't lie to himself by saying he wasn't shocked at how calm his cousin was. He wasn't worried about Felicity since her mum is a squib and her aunt's Hestia Jonas of all people. That one did shock Harry and he had proceeded to ask the older witch about her the next time he had work.

Since almost every death eater was currently locked up in Azkaban with life sentences, there wasn't much happening. To some of the Auror's, this was good because it meant they could go home a lot earlier or just not bother coming in at all. Harry was different; he liked to keep his mind busy.

He didn't have much time to react until a tiny gold glint shone in front of his eyes and from the corner of his eye he saw Ginny spot it as well. This was something the now married couple enjoyed doing together which benefited them both. Since Ginny played professionally with the Holyhead Harpies as chaser and occasionally seeker, it was extra practise for her. It helped keep Harry's mind busy because it reminded him of his very hectic school years. He wouldn't say it out loud to Ginny, but he loved challenging her with things like this- it wasn't really that surprising because both are very competitive people.

Both were staring at each other from across the field that was close to their house in which they kept the Quidditch pitch. Hermione had performed protective charms around so people who weren't magic could enter without permission. After all it would be practically impossible to explain to muggle's why they were literally flying on broomsticks. Harry pointed to behind Ginny and he silently snickered to himself at successfully distracting her, so he could speed after the snitch. It only took her a second to realise what Harry had done because she was soon speeding after her husband laughing loudly as she went.

She had her hair tied tightly into a bun to keep it from her face because that constantly annoyed her. It also wasn't ideal for playing a fast-paced sport high up in the air. Harry reached his arm out once the tiny winged ball was a few metres ahead of him, but Ginny had other plans. She sped up until she was millimetres from Harry's side and she laughed again before leaning over to kiss Harry's cheek. Now with Harry momentarily distracted, Ginny had a few seconds to spare to catch the snitch. She could still feel Harry behind her now that he had finally figured out why Ginny did that and he was soon gaining on her once more.

He was a bit too late though because Ginny finally got close enough to clasp her hand around the tiny ball. She felt it struggle a little in her palm before it stopped moving signalling the brief game was over. Harry gave her a look, but Ginny could see the humour behind what was his angry glare at being distracted so easily. Both lazily drifted through the air until they were back on solid ground, stumbling slightly at getting used to not moving so quickly. Ginny walked over to the box and put the snitch back inside. Usually they never practise with all four balls because it was always too much of a hassle to clean up- especially when it came to the bludgers without gaining a black eye in the process.

On top of that neither were experienced beaters so the bludgers weren't taken out unless they had more friends over to play with them.

Harry grabbed one of the leather straps whilst Ginny took hold of the other, so they could both heave the large box back to their house a few minutes away. It was the quaffle which weighed the most since it was the largest and densest seen as it wasn't an enchanted ball like the rest. Bludgers and snitches were made in such a way so that they could easily zip through the air at breakneck speeds whereas the quaffle gets thrown between the chasers. This practise had to be short though because Dudley and Felicity were coming over later.

Redemption (Dudley Dursley) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora