Love Is a Weapon...*Sarah

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Love is a weapon. 3

and I Love you so much,

that its killing me inside. :(

My heart aches for you

Tearing out my chest.

Hearing how happy you are,

Me facking my happiness.

I cry everynight,

Thinking of the thing we use to do.

Thinking of,

How badly i want you.

Why do I still fight for you,

When you moved on?

Why can't i see,

That what we had is done.

I love you,

I want you

I need you,

I gotta have you.

I'll fight the world for,

For your love again.

But it'll never happen,

For you don't feel the same way you did back then.

If love is a weapon,

I'll use it on myself.

And leave your life with her

Like a cinderella story on a shelf.

If i end my life,

Would you care?

Would you be at my funeral,

Would you even dare?

Love is a weapon,

What is it used to do?

Love is a weapon,

I'll use it on you.

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