Chapter 2

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As soon as the message sent through I could feel my heart beating fast and suddenly it because faster and faster.
I was slowly entering a panic attack..
I get them all the time when I'm nervous it's terrible! I hate it the feeling of not being able to control my emotions. But as soon as I was settling down my phone went off *PING*
It was Luke!
I couldn't open the message I was stoping myself for some unknown reason? But finally I opened it....
He was normal with me; even though I send almost 5 kisses and he sent 1 I still felt amazing!
Days past and we talked almost every night , he would make me laugh and feel like I was wanted...
1 week after poping up to Luke I messaged John to tell him that I liked his bestfriend , he then proceeded to tell me that he thought Luke liked me back too and he would try get him to ask me out! I'm so excited what if he is right all my dreams are coming true! EEKK CANT WAIT

Was she enough?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt