Chapter 11

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---Jareds POV---

I texted Lauren the next morning. She just told me to fuck off.

I got out of bed. Early and put on some jeans and a sweater. I went to get breakfast from downstairs. I got an occasional stare from some people then headed back upstairs to my room.

So Ocean spent the night with Shannon. I wonder what had happened after that kiss. They probably fucked, I can't say I don't care.

I went out again a bit later on to where those awards were held last night, I think I dropped my wallet there.

I found it eventually right in the corner where we were sitting, oddly, I found Oceans phone, 4 missed calls and 3 texts from Bill, why do I reconise the name? That's her boyfriend right? I know I shouldnt but I looked at them, the first one read:

'Hey, how are thing I have a link for you about the next meeting'

Meeting? The second one read:

'Ocean, babe, call me'

The 3rd one read:

'Why is Shannon Leto carrying you out if an award show, you call me back right away or you're ass is back where it belongs'

What a douche. The last one:

'If you make me come out there Ocean, I will, if you're going against what I have asked you're fired, do you hear me?'

Is Bill also her boss? What is going on?

---Oceans POV---

I woke up wondering where the hell I was, then I leant up against the bed post and saw Shannon fast asleep opposite me.

I got up and dressed in the same stupid outfit form last night. Then after I frantically looked for my phone. Don't tell me I've gone and left it at those awards last night it must have fell when Shannon picked me up!

There was a light knock on his door I ruffled my hair in a quick pony tail and opened it.

'Shan I-...Oh, hi.' Jared stood in front of me about to barge in until he realised it was me.

'Hi..' I replied, there was an awkward silence for a few seconds until he handed me a phone. My phone.

'I went back to pick up my wallet, I found you're phone on the floor...there were a few messages..' He ruffled his hair trying to distract the tention between us.

'Did you read them?' I whispered fiddling the phone in my hands.

He didn't answer.

'Did. You. Read. Them?' I asked impatiently.

'Yes!' He snapped. Throwing his hands up.

'Thats my privacy Jared, can you at least try and not make things difficult?!' I threw the phone on the bed and shoved him. What had gotten into me? I felt a build up of so much rage.

'Oh and what's that supposed to mean?' He took a step closer.

'As if you don't know, I had it fine and alright before you came along, then you had to go and kiss me and make me actually have feelings for you! Then I find out you already had some one! And no offence to you're precious Lauren but she's a bitch so no wonder you two make a perfect couple.' I pushed him again into the hotel corridoor and slamed the door behind me.

'Haha look princess, its not my fault I kissed you. You wanted it. And you pushed and pushed until what happened at the water park, you're not doing yourself any favours either, you already have a boyfriend, or have you forgotten! He's actually dying for you to call him back so why don't you just go back to you're hotel and leave me alone because I can't handle myself around you!' He screamed it. All of it. I felt terrible.

'Urghh! You think its easy huh? Mr rockstar with any girl in the world to pick from! Yeah well I can't take it around you either, I don't know I what I did wrong to make you so uncomfortable!' Now I just felt the rage again.

'Its not you its me, or is it so hard for you to see?!' He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my soul. He was so beautiful.

'See what?' I said bitterly into his eyes.

'I like you Ocean. When I said I did before I meant it. And now I don't know how to cope with it because I can't have you.' He looked away from me as soon and his scenetences left his lips.

'I'm going home. I can't take this. I'm not finishing the job, I just, ughh.' I threw my hands up and bolted it for my hotel to just pack and go. He called for me 3 times, hearing him cry my name made me break down in tears.

I walked the entire way back. Not really thinking of anything. My mind was just dead.

About half and hour later I got back to my room. I wasn't alone.

' finally got back, and don't you look a treat.' Bill was here. How did he even get in here. He was walking towards me. Looking at my every feature. 

He'd done this in the office so much before. Only ever me. He then reached out and grabbed my arms pulling me closer and closer toward him.

Faith. (A Jared Leto FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now