Act V

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Previously on Aladdin ~A Goku x Vegeta Twist~...

Goge just looked up blankly and slightly shrugged. She didn't care if he did or didn't.


"Right. C'mon, this way." Kakarot said.

They go inside the roof of a building, dodging planks and beams as they go.

"Whoa. Watch your head there. Be careful." Kakarot said to ensure Vegeta's safety.

"Is this where you live?" Vegeta said scarcely looking around.

"Yep. Just me and Goge. Come and go as we please." Kakarot said smiling slightly.

"Wonderful." Vegeta said with an unknown glaze in his eyes.

"Well, it's not much," Kakarot pulls back the curtain and exposes the castle. "but it's got a great view. Palace looks pretty amazing, huh?"

"Oh, yea. Sure you believe that."

"I wonder what it would be like to live there, to have servants and valets... "

"Oh, and don't forget, people who tell you where to go and how to dress."

"It's better than here. Always scraping for food and ducking the guards."

"You're not free to make your own choices. You can't even chose who you want to marry."

"Sometimes you feel so--"

"You're just--"

"Trapped." They both said. They look at each other, realizing that they're perfect for one another. But Kakarot then realizes where he is, and breaks the look. He takes the apple out of Goge's hand and rolls it down his arm into the hand of Vegeta.

"So, where're you from?" Kakarot asked suddenly.

"Why does it matter? I ran away, and I am not going back, ever." Vegeta says.


Kakarot takes a bite from the apple in his hand, then hands it to Goge, who has a disgusted look on her face.

"Damn you!" Goge said.

Kakarot walks over and sits next to Vegeta.

"My bastard father's forcing me to get married, Kakarot." Vegeta said, near crying.

"That's-that's awful."

Goge appears from behind the prince and tries to steal the apple.

"Goge!" Kakarot called out.

Goge races up to a higher point, chattering and cursing as she goes.

"What?" Vegeta said.

"Goge says that...uh..that's not fair, to you at all." Kakarot said.

"What?" Goge said.

"Oh did she?" Vegeta said.

"Um, yeah, yeah, of course." Kakarot said.

"And does Goge have anything else to say?"

"Well, uh, she wishes there was something she could do to help."

"Oh, brother." Goge said, but was ignored.

"Hmm, tell her, I said that's very sweet." Vegeta said.

Kakarot and Vegeta has been getting closer and closer, until the point where Kakarot leans in to kiss him. But, sadly, Kakarot is interrupted by the guards, who have found them.

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