Mates meant to be Chapter 1

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(Hello before i start i would like to say that I'm not good with spelling so please forgive me if I spell things wrong or place things in wrong places as I will try my best to make sure I have everything right. Thank you hope you enjoy)

The night cold as fire and light could be seen everywhere. My father and I had come back from a 2 day hunting trip to find that our pack had being attacked by non other then the Blood fox pack. My mother ran to outside along with my older brother, they where covered in blood but not there's. "Are you both alright?" My father asks worried about the blood. "We're fine it's not ours..." My mother answers looking down to hide her tears. "Brother, they..." I looked at his face full of anger and sadness as he tried to hide the fact of everything, I just pulled him into a tight hug and told him to relax. The lights and sounds of crying and trees falling could be heard almost in ever place we looked. My father grabbed my mothers hand and she looked at us as they told us to fallow them. My brother and I fallowed them to a cave that seemed familiar, they got in and pulled my brother along with me in. My father kissed my mother and told her something before saying he loved us all and was leaving, My brother and I grabbed his legs begging him not to go but he hugged us both and told us that being the Alpha meant protecting everyone in it. I was crying at this pont hugging myself as my mom was holding back my older brother. My father covered the cave with some rocks to hide us before running off to fight and protect the people of the pack.

The sounds of screaming came to a stop as my mother and older brother had fallen asleep, But not me, I couldn't. I stepped out of the cave to see if things where ok but nothing could be seen not even in my Dark blue eyes. I  started running back to the grounds where the village was but was greeted with something other. My eyes filled with tears as the ash and smock from my village filled the air. I walked through what was left of my home seeing nothing but ash and half burned down houses. My breath felt heavy as I could hear nothing but wide around me. Did the others live? Was my father ok? I walked over to what was left if my house and sat down in front of the broken and almost gone door. There was was my father, not moving or even showing a sine of life. The dark black fur of his wolf was hard to see along with the pool of blood he was in. Just as I was about to cry I felt a hand pet me, I looked up to see a little girl about 5 years old not much older then myself it was my friend Taylor. Her face was full of sadness and pain as she said nothing but to pet the top of my head. I felt my legs become weaker as I feel to the cold black ground tired last I saw was Taylor say something before my eyes closed.


It's been years since the day I found my father dead in our house. My brother was leader of the pack now as my mother was living in our new village we had pulled together with the others left from the pack. I walked through the big house trying to clear my mind from that dark night. I soon stopped as I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. I turned my head fast to see a girl at the window. She jumped down and ran off, I ran to the window looking around for the girl but saw nothing.
Who was that?
I took a breath and I felt my chest tighten up a little. This sent, I've smelled it before, but where? My mind and lungs where taken by this. I have had that sent before but where? It smelled so good, sweet like the sweetest peace of cake I had ever smelt. Soon my brother walked into the hallway and gave me a worried look as I was still hanging out the window trying to take in more of the sweet sent. "Tom, are you feeling alright?" He asked placing a hand on my back. "Yeah just thinking about things when I got a weird but sweet sent" I said rubbing the back of my head. "Sweet sent?" He took a smell of the ever so sweet sent that was faint but still there. "Huh, you're right. Maybe mom's backing again." His face had turned away as we started walking to the kitchen for dinner.

We walked in seeing a lot of new wolves that had come fore the mating week or the "specie"night they like to call it I wasn't so into it but my brother William has to go into it not me he is leader of this pack and there must be things done. Mother walked over to me and hugged me tight as she whispered something to William before walking back to her table to finish her meal. After we ate we all went to our rooms, I got to mine but stopped as that sent was all over my door. It filled my chest, not looking or thinking much at this point I opened the door walking in as the sweet sent filled my breath more. Something was going on with me I couldn't think start, I didn't stop to think if something was trying to trap me the sent was to strong as it pulled something in me to take over what was making the sent. It pulled me to the window where I saw what looked like a girl wearing a blanket to cover her face but her body could be seen. The sent was coming from her! I didn't notice that my tail had been going crazy flying everywhere. What was going on with me? I feel so happy but not at the same time. I was pulled away from my thought's when she ran off into the woods, not making a sound she was so fast and quite like a ghost. I went to bed thinking about what's going on with myself and who that girl is. That sent is everywhere even in my pillow! I took a deep breath and felt every part of my body relax.

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