II Magnus' P.O.V

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"Who dares to disturb the High Warlock of Brookline? If it's not a matter of life or death, I will snap you to the deserts of Egypt!" I threatened through the speaker, my frustration evident in my voice.

In truth, my mood was far from pleasant. I had an argument with my sweet pea before the rescue mission for the angelic boy, and afterwards my boyfriend vanished for the entire day before we could reconcile.

"If you're busy, I could come back later?" Came the beautiful voice of my boyfriend through the speaker.

"Alexander?! Why don't you use your key to come in?" I asked, a mix of confusion and excitement coursing through me.

His presence meant that he wasn't angry anymore. I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander greedily, anticipating a night of intimacy and cuddles.

"You never gave me the keys to your loft," he replied, his tone amused, likely in response to my antics.

I snapped my fingers and declared, "Problem resolved! Check your right pocket."

Soon, I heard a door opening and footsteps approaching from the stairs. Eagerly, I marched towards the door, opening it to welcome my love. However, my words halted mid-sentence as I took in the sight of my boyfriend's attire. He sported a new pair of black jeans, fresh black military boots, a pristine white V-neck t-shirt, and a leather jacket I hadn't seen in his wardrobe before, topped off with the latest Adidas sport watch.

"Sweet Lilith!" I muttered under my breath, unable to tear my gaze away from the breathtaking creature before me.

"What? You don't like this new look?" Alec asked shyly, a light blush adorning his cheeks.

"Like it? Right now, I want you to throw me on the bed and fuck me silly." I deadpanned as I continued to stare.

"This feels like déjà vu," I thought I heard him mutter, but I didn't care. He then raised the boxes he was holding, flashing me a small smile that melted my heart. "Want to have dinner first? Your favorite place from the best Chinese restaurant, in the Bane's restaurant rating."

"I love you, sweet pea!" I exclaimed, smirking when his blush deepened.

"Stop calling me that!" Alec complained, yet still kissed me as he passed by to enter my loft.

The table was set with a snap of my fingers. Ah, the wonders of magic, I mused happily. "Where have you been all day, Alec?" I inquired after a while of eating in silence. "You had your siblings, parents, and me very worried. No one heard a thing about you today; it was like... you were gone." I grimaced at the thought. I couldn't fathom what I would do if he ever left me. "Also, your wound hasn't completely healed yet," I added seriously. "Which reminds me, when we finish eating, I will check on that."

"I was at Macy's," his answer surprised me.

"You what?!" I exclaimed, shocked. "You went to Macy's voluntarily? What possessed you to do that?"

"An old friend came to town and wanted to go there," he replied with a big smile and a distant look, as if reminiscing about something.

Probably the moments he spent with his friend, I thought, feeling a pang of jealousy.

The idea of someone else putting that kind of smile on my boyfriend's face, if it wasn't family, didn't sit well with me. Moreover, if that friend could persuade him to go to Macy's and change his look, something I couldn't do, they had to be very important to Alec.

Since when does he have friends I don't know about?! I complained internally. Damn it! I am starting to sound like those boyfriends who need to know everything about their partners. Now that I think about it... I know everything about Alec, except for this new friend of his. What if he is hiding something from me? I thought suspiciously.

Isn't that a bit hypocritical of you? A voice inside my head questioned me. After all, you are keeping Alec in the absolute dark about your past.

Shut up! I ordered it, and it, luckily, obeyed.

"Mags, are you okay?" The worried voice of my boyfriend brought me back from my trance.

"Of course, I am, sweet pea," I answered with my typical Cheshire grin, though this time it was a bit forced. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause you went mute and stopped eating all of a sudden," he replied with an inquisitive look, indicating that he didn't buy my act.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then thought about it again and decided not to ask. With a small sigh, I returned to my food and changed the topic. I told him about how angry some customer, who I had already forgotten the name of, made me today and how I ended up turning his hair pink in response. We both laughed at the story, momentarily forgetting our worries.

Later, when we finished the food, I snapped my fingers, cleaning the plates and putting them in their places, so Alec could make my wish come true. I had a long list of past lovers, but none of them knew how to make me beg like my angel did. Maybe it was because when he ties me up to the bed, he doesn't relish overpowering the High Warlock of Brookline, but instead, revels in the trust I place in him. Perhaps it was the way he worshipped me with every touch, every kiss, every word, and every look.

I didn't care about the reason anymore; I just knew that no one would ever make me forget about this blue-eyed prince or make me fall in love as hard as he did. My heart was stolen by this young Shadowhunter thief.

"I love you, Mags," murmured my boyfriend softly, before tucking me into his side and drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too, Alexander," I replied, kissing his bare chest, before being lulled to sleep by the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat.

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