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1.)What is your name? (screen name if you don't want people knowing real name)

2.) Miriam but I don’t really like it so I tell everyone it’s Mimi  :D

2.) What kind of genres do you tend to write?

I usually write non- teen fiction really. I think that’s what almost all of my stories are except my new ones, Hold On and A Castle in the Sky. I’m trying to write a story in each genre if it’s possible and I’m close to getting them all now.

3.)Do you have a specific writing style?

I write , in my opinion, realistic. I hate all the cliché stuff so I try not to write any in my stories. I say try because I don’t want to say I don’t write any cliché stuff and then somebody finds something cliché in my work.

4.)What does your screen name mean? How did you come up with it?

My screen name, KIDmimi, is a combination of a group on YouTube that I used to like ( I kind of still do like them but just not as much. The group was called K.I.D which stood for kings in disguise. The Mimi part is just my name LOL. I wanted it to be K.I.Dmimi but you can’t have ‘.’s in your name apparently…

5.)When you see that your story is popular, how do you react?

I have like a mini party. Even though my stories are nowhere near popular, every time I see my number of reads go up just by one I start getting excited. When my story went on the “What’s Hot” list I almost died. It was quite an epic moment in my life.

6.)What made you start writing? Who/What inspires you?

I’ve just always liked writing from a young age so when my friend told me about Wattpad I was *insert long word for really happy*. I think reading Jacqueline Wilson from a young age made me start writing.  I always wanted to be just like her

                Knowing that someone somewhere has read one of my stories inspires me to write more. It’s such an adrenaline rush knowing that there’s someone who likes what you write, you know?

7.)What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing it to life?

The challenges are usually getting the right information for my stories, which I failed epically to do so in Captured. It’s also hard to get into the mind of the character that you’re writing about. Knowing how they should act and feel is really important and the ability to show the reader without telling them is what can make or break your story.

8.)How do you deal with writers block?

I just write something for my other projects while I clear my mind.

9.)How much of the book(s) is realistic?

It depends which book it is. In my first story ADAM, most of it is realistic which is same for Captured even though I might have had a little trouble with the right research. Hold On and The Temptress are both very realistic, in my opinion.

           It Had To Be Me and A Castle in the Sky are however not realistic. They’re both make belief stories. However IHTBM is more realistic that ACITS because ACITS is really just meant to be a light hearted funny story kind of thing.                      

10.)Do you have any advice for other writers?

My advice is: even though it’s tempting to write about what everyone else writes about i.e. vampires, werewolves, teen- fiction and romance.  It’s better to be original and write something different.

You might not get as many readers as the people who are writing the same as everyone else but you will have loyal readers that will respect you for being original. Lastly, write what you know because the greatest inspiration is your own life. Also don’t be put off by low reads or whatever; the best writers are undiscovered after all. - Thank you :D

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