Omg Guys Guess What

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It's ANOTHER TAG. IKR you're so excited. You love these. (I'll update twice today to make up for it)

Okay rules in media because again, *points at self* lazy lil shit.

crybaby-lindsey tagged me btw, thanks friend.

These questions were also very much intrigue, so yay.

-What's You're Favorite Color?-
Blue (it would be black but black is technically "the absence of color" and therefore not a color)

-Favorite Musical Artist/Band-
Troye Sivan. Hands down. I want to be his bffl.

-Favorite Book?-
You can't just ask me that 😰😰😰
Um probably 'House of Hades' by Rick Riordan (Nico)

-Johnlock or Sherlolly?-
Pfft is it even a question? Johnlock!!!

-Favorite Movie?-
Idk I don't watch movies. Guys RECOMMEND ME GOOD LGBT+ MOVIES

-How old are you?-
13 years of age

-HAVE YOU HEARD PANIC! AT THE DISCO AND THEIR New Album 'Death of a Bachelor'??!?-
my favorites are probably "Crazy=Genius" which is me, and "LA Devotee" just because it's so fun to sing along to

-Have You Taken Care of Yourself Today?-
I should say so, I actually ate a breakfast for once in like months and I went to see a counselor person, so yeah better than normal actually.

-Least Favorite Book? Movie?-
I haven't read a book I didn't like unless fanfics count. If so "The Cherry Fic." I hope he person who wrote that got themselves psychoanalyzed.

As for movie, I'm sorry but THE PJO MOVIES WERE SO FREAKING DISAPPOINTING!!!! I loved the books so much and the movies just made me want to cry because they were so bad in comparison.

-What's yo favorite food?-

-Where do you live?-
Stalkers. I WANT TO BE A LONDONER BUT NOOO. I live in California, America, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way galaxy, The Universe. Although I suspect my origins were elsewhere in the universe.

-What's Your Hobby?-
Writing fan fiction, obviously. Also crafting, if you know what I mean. (So many squareflakes.)

-Pro-Life or Pro-choice?-
Although I don't understand how someone could get an abortion, because I mean it's a tiny little life form living within you! But I wouldn't want a child to be born into a world where it wasn't wanted or able to be taken care of so probably pro-choice. I try to stay out of politics though, tbh. I really only follow the LGBT stuff.

So that ended on a kind of intense note...

Here do it if you want guys, and tag me because I'm just a bored and lonely soul with nothing to do so I'll probably read it.

werewolf6758 (I imagine if I keep tagging you you'll do one of these)
phanci (I just tag like these huge popular accounts for the fun of it I feel like)

If you notice how I tend to tag like the same people it's because I have no friends.

Anyways here are my questions!!1!

1) Do you realize how many references I'm gonna put in these questions?

2) okay okay let's get ready *ahem* How are you, you doing okay?

3) Good. Or Bad. Idk what you said. So, jumping right in, what's your #1 fandom and why?

4) What was your first fandom? (Oh nostalgia)

5) 2009, 2012, or 2022? (And the references begin)

6) How old were you when your favorite YouTuber was how old you are now? (Omg that's like a f*cking math problem)

7) Are you fairly local? (More references *snickers*)

8) What fanfic should I read?

9) Is it Zebra or Zucchini? (No reference just my own randomness dw)

10) What's your sexuality? (If you're comfortable disclosing it, if not than What's your favorite ice cream topping?)

11) How annoyed were you when I tagged you in this?

12) Top five favorite songs go

13) Well that's all the time we have folks, how do you wish to say farewell?

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