Interview with @courttssx3

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Interview with @courttssx3

Name:  Courtney

Age: 18

Gender: F

1.       Favourite book?


Looking for Alaska – John Green


And what’s that about?


Weell, it's a before/after book. In the before part, the main character gets sent off to a Prep. school. He gets close with his roommate and other people, and they hang out a lot. One of the characters needs to get off campus, so they all distract the headmaster.



The after… well, I can't really say anything, because it'll ruin the book. But it's what happens after the person leaves campus



You should read it. :3



Maybe I should (:


It's reaaally good, I definitely recommend it :}



Thanks :p




2.       Favourite film?


10 Things I Hate About You and Mamma Mia! :]



I like them too :D


Woooo :D


3.       Favourite animal?


Giraffe and llamas:3





Yeeeee ^_^


4.       Are you a ninja???:O


Hah. Like I'm gonna share that ;D It's a secret.






5.       And finally….. Any shout outs for anybody??

Haha, wayyy too many people to list. But to them all; I love you guyyyss :3


Ok well thanks for letting me interview youuu ;3

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