12 on Hand

51 9 7

12 on Hand

Turn your right hand palm to face you.

Your thumb is the conductor,

Each finger has three divisions 

Four fingers, times three, is twelve.

Thumb at tip of index finger,

and this is the number one.

Thumb at index second section

and this is the number two.

Counting each with your thumb equals:

Index finger, one, two, three.

Middle finger is four, five, six.

Ring to nine and Little to twelve.

Your left thumb at left index pad,

shows you have the number twelve.

Your right thumb now counts twelve again,

Left thumb moves to the second.

This is twenty four, add twelve more;

your left thumb shows thirty six.

Keep counting twelve with the right tumb

till your left is one four four.

Can you guess how much I hold

Left thumb at ring finger three

and right thumb at ring finger three;

this gives you one fifty six.

Pick a number, any number

that is below one five six,

you can show it with your fingers

just as do the Temple priests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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