chapter 2

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Next day I woke up early and change into my wolf and go for ru its feels amazing to run in early morning when every thing seems new and fresh. I don't know how long I ran but when I got to my favorite spot I stop and enjoy the beauty .I also love to came over here its quiet when ever I want some lone time I come here .When I come back home I go directly in my room and get showered and get in new pair of black jeans and blue tank top with cardigans on top. I enter in Joe room to wake him up (he looks so cute in morning especial when he is sleeping ).After showered and dressed him up I take him to dining room. No one is in here which is strange usually room is packed at this time of the day .but I ignore it and prepare simple breakfast of eggs and bagel for me and chocolate cereals for Joe. Today is off so I decide to relax .so when one of the pack mate take Joe to pack play school I return in my room , sit on my bed and pick my book form bed side to read .after reading 6 chapters I close the book and put it back on bed side decide to go to garden to help my mom ,usually at this hour she do gardening but as I come near my dad's office I hear arguing , I got curious and go near my dad office , voices got clear , it seems that my dad and mom arguing which is strange as they never I mean NEVER EVER argue with each other , they are most understanding and ideal couple in my eyes. So I stop and listen

Mom says "you can't do this"

Dad" it's not in my hand".

"I'm not gonna let it happen" my mom say in heavy voice as she is crying right now

'Why the hell she is crying ....what's going on' I thought

My dad sign heavily"Jane we can't do anything....... council decides it"

My mom start sobbing loudly .it pain me to hear that ........I don't like my parents to be upset and my mom crying I want to go and comfort her but I also wanna know what the matter actually

"There has to be a way ......."she said in low voice "we can't do this to ........."

"Jane I try every thing that possible but we can't do any thing council will not listen to us now"my dad also said in low voice full of concern

I can't take it any more so I enter slowly in the room

My dad is sitting on the couch and my mom is on his lap crying slowly. My dad rocking her back and front like a child and his beta standing opposite side of the room near window looking outside. He has a sad look on his face

"What happen ........" I ask

They all turn towards me. Mom stops crying but hide her face in my dad's chest bob just looks at me with concern.

"Dad why mom crying ......." I ask again

"Nothing dear ......." Mom said I look at my dad but he didn't reply

"Then why are u crying" I pushed


"We need to talk to you dear" my dad said


"Have a seat "

"Robert..."bob said

I look toward him

"Not now "

"Go to your room dear" my mom said

"But..." dad argues

"We can talk about it after dinner ....ok"

My dad sigh "ok dear .........Anji go we talk later"

I kind of confused as what's the matter my parents never act like this. but my dad as he say...... I go in my room and stay there for rest of the day think about what is the matter that makes mom cry she is a very strong woman I ever know .she handles every situation calmly so what happen that makes her cry.

I slowly going mad think about all the bad or you can say worst scenarios that may happened to make my parents and bob act like this. But I have to wait till dinner to know but I know ......I think that what ever the thing...... it concerns me.

thanks for reading and plz comments and let me know what u think about the story

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